MINELRES: E-NEWS 15/09/03: UNITED European conference against racism and fascism,
MINELRES moderator
Tue Sep 23 19:20:42 2003
Original sender: UNITED <info@unitedagainstracism.org>
Dear colleagues and friends,
please find attached and below the information and nomination form (rtf
format) for our next UNITED Conference, NEVER AGAIN! European conference
against racism and fascism, November June 19-23, 2003 in Poland.
If you are interested to nominate a representative, please return the
form as soon as possible.
Best wishes,
Geert Ates
European conference against racism and fascism
November 19-23, 2003 in Poland
Never Again!
We have to learn from the past and try to avoid mistakes made in
history. We are particularly concerned about the rise of extreme-right
groups who attack immigrants, refugees and other minorities. Choosing
Poland as the venue of this meeting is symbolic: it is a country that
suffered under Nazi occupation during World War II and it is one of the
current EU accession states. This will help the participants to see and
analyse the implications of the new situation in Europe for minority
rights as well as migration and refugee issues. We are convinced that
solutions can be found by working together across borders.
How can we join our efforts in combating racism and fascism?
The UNITED conference in Poland will bring together activists from
organisations from all over Europe to share experiences in these fields
and find new ways to deal with the situations we are facing every day.
The programme will emphasise on sharing good practices - successful
examples of actions in the fight against racism and fascism.
The conference will focus on:
-current challenges for anti-racist / anti-fascist work in Eastern and
Western Europe
-the EU enlargement and its impact on human rights, border and asylum
policy and racist activities
-antisemitism and anti-Roma racism
-educational methods used in anti-racism/anti-fascism work
-using international instruments to combat racism
Main themes of the conference will be:
A-Migrants & refugees and 'Fortress Europe'- enlargement of "Fortress
Europe", migration from future EU member states to current EU countries,
new EU policy towards asylum seekers, etc.
B-The situation of minorities in Europe - new divisions in Central and
Eastern Europe (due to the EU accession process) damaging the existing
links between countries, tensions between minority groups, situation of
the Roma minority, etc.
C-The danger of the extreme right in Europe - growing extreme right-wing
tendencies in Central and Eastern Europe, networks of fascist groups in
Europe, use of football and music in the fight against racism and
fascism, the role of trade unions, cyber-hate and ways to combat it,
D-Learning from the past - education in anti-racism/anti-fascism field,
democracy development, how to combat antisemitism using the Holocaust
experiences in Krakow to raise awareness on the danger of extreme right
and racism nowadays, etc.
UNITED, the biggest European anti-racist network of more than 560
organisations, organises a series of conferences in several European
countries to unite and empower anti-racist initiatives. At one of the
last UNITED conferences, held in June 2003 in Luxembourg, 80 people from
76 organisations from 36 countries met, from Portugal to Russia, from
Ireland to Italy. They exchanged information and skills and prepared
future actions and campaigns (e.g. around the commemoration of the
"Kristallnacht" pogrom and the European-wide Action Week Against
This conference is prepared by:
Assoc. of Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Ireland - ARASI (IRL), ASLIR /
FTMB (RO), Never Again Association (PL), People Against Racism (SK),
Polish Humanitarian Organisation - PAH (PL), Norwegian Peoples Aid (N),
Verein f�r Dienste im Ausland (A), UNITED for Intercultural Action
... plenaries, working groups, political caf�s, presentations, debates,
intercultural 'games', information market, intercultural inputs,
lectures, open forum � Please check the programme for further details.
The conference is planned for � 60 participants (living in Europe) who
represent (inter)national anti-racist, anti-fascist and human rights
organisations. Active grass-roots groups from all over Europe are also
invited. Participation is rotated from one conference to another.
Priority will be given to nominations from delegates with a minority
background and young delegates (under 30). Preference is given to those
organisations that actively take part in UNITED campaigns. Participants
should act as multipliers, spreading the information to as many people
as possible. We will try to reach an equal balance of female/male
participants and a good geographical distribution. Each organisation can
nominate only one delegate.
The conference language is English. All participants are expected to
have at least basic knowledge of English. But don't worry, English is
almost nobody's mother tongue. If you have difficulties in expressing
yourself, surely we can help each other.
The participation fee of the conference is:
80 � for participants from:
A, B, CH,CY, D, DK, E, F, FIN, GB, GR, I, IS, IRL, L, M, N, NL, P, S
(supporters of UNITED 50 �)
60 � for participants from:
BG, BH, CZ, EE, H, HR, LV, LT, MK, PL, RO, SI, SK, TR, YU (supporters
of UNITED 35 �)
40 � for participants from:
AL, ARM, AZ, BY, GE, KZ, KY, MD, RUS, UA, UZB (supporters of UNITED 25
Full board and lodging and the complete program is paid for by the
UNITED can contribute to your travel costs up to a maximum of 300 �.
For distances under 1000 km UNITED reimburses only bus or train tickets.
For distances over 1000 km UNITED can contribute to flight tickets
(APEX, economy class, youth fares if possible). If this creates
insurmountable problems for you, please contact the secretariat before
the conference. Please look for the cheapest and most environmentally
friendly possibility to travel. You will be expected to attend the whole
meeting and to prove your expenses with an original invoice.
The cost of your visa can be reimbursed by UNITED.
UNITED conferences can only take place when participants contribute in
some way. We ask you to find out alternative possibilities of funding
for your travel costs (e.g. through a travel grant from a Soros
Foundation, or with help from an university or another sponsor). We
would very much appreciate your help.
The conference will start on Wednesday 19 November and will end after
lunch on Sunday 23 November. We will have a relatively simple
accommodation, and you will share a room with up to three people. If you
wish to arrive earlier or stay longer (on your own costs), we can help
you arrange your stay.
On Monday 24 November we will organise a visit to the former
concentration camp Auschwitz. This excursion is optional and on
participants' own cost. The price is (including 1-2 extra nights):
50 �: for participants from: A, B, CH, D, DK, E, F, FIN, GB, GR, I,
IRL, L, N, NL, P, S
35 �: for participants from: BG, BH, CZ, CY, EE, H, HR, IS, LV, LT,
25 �: for participants from: AL, ARM, AZ, BY, GE, KZ, KY, MD, RUS, UA,
Please, note that sending the expression of interest form does not
guarantee your participation in the conference. Only those candidates
selected for participation (this will be known around 13 October) will
receive further information e.g. visa invitation, explanation 'how to
get there', a final program, list of participants, etc. Feel free to
contact us (by email) after October 15 to inform about your nomination.
NEVER AGAIN! European conference against racism and fascism
November 19-23, 2003 in Poland
***Wednesday 19 November
until 17:30 Arrival of participants
20:00 "Breaking the Blocks" and Informal opening reception
***Thursday 20 November
9.30-11.00 Welcome! - What is UNITED?, Presentation of Never Again
Assoc. and PAH Programme/team/technics, Personal introductions of
11.15-12.30 Discussion groups "The danger of words" - Definitions of
concepts most used in anti-racist work
14.30-16.00 "Antisemitism: past and present" - video, lecture
16.15-18.00 Thematic working groups - introduction -
- Migrants & refugees and "Fortress Europe"
- Situation of minorities in Europe
- The danger of extreme right in Europe
- Learning from the past - education
20:30 Info Market, with the participation of local NGOs
21.30 International Snacks
22.00 optional: Political Caf� / Video Evening
***Friday 21 November
9.30-11.00 "The rise of extreme-right and Roma/minority migration" -
lecture and discussion
11.15-12.30 Thematic working groups - political discussion -
- Migrants & refugees and "Fortress Europe"
- Situation of minorities in Europe
- The danger of extreme right in Europe
- Learning from the past - education
14.30-18.00 Thematic working groups - sharing and applying good
practices -
- Migrants & refugees and "Fortress Europe"
- Situation of minorities in Europe
- The danger of extreme right in Europe
- Learning from the past - education
18:00-21.00 Short city tour in Krakow & Dinner in Krakow
22.00 optional: Political Caf� / Video Evening
***Saturday 22 November
9.30-10.30 Reports from the thematic working groups
10.30-11.00 Introduction action planning working groups
11.15-12.30 "European co-operation and challenges for the
anti-racist/anti-fascist movement" - lecture and discussion
14.30-17.30 Action planning working groups How to co-operate in an
expanding Europe
- Campaigning against fascism
- Campaigning against racism
- Campaigning in support of refugees
- Ad-hoc campaigning
- European co-operation for antiracist education
17.30-18.00 "The United Nations, the struggle against racism and the
role of young people". Inter-active presentation by Birgit Van Hout of
the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Anti-Discrimination Unit.
20:30 Intercultural Evening & Farewell Party
22.00 optional: Political Caf� / Video Evening
***Sunday 23 November
10.00-10.30 Open Forum
10:30-11:00 Reports from the action planning Working groups
11.15-12.00 "Think globally - act locally" - international instruments
to combat racism - lecture and discussion
12.00-12.30 Evaluation of the conference
12.30 Closing of the conference after 14.00 Departure of participants
***Monday 24 November
9.00 Visit to former concentration camp Auschwitz -
Optional / on own costs of participants
NEVER AGAIN! European conference against racism and fascism
November 19-23, 2003 in Poland
If you wish to participate in this conference please fill in this form
Each organisation can register only 1 representative (living in Europe).
Priority is given to participants under 30 years old.
If your form arrives at UNITED before 6/10/2003, your nomination will
have a higher chance of acceptance.
Sending this form to UNITED does not guarantee that you will be selected
for the conference - we receive many nominations.
Organisation's address:
First name delegate
Family name:
Date of birth:
Male: Female:
Address to send conference documents:
Special needs (vegetarian, disabilities etc.):
Do you consider yourself to be part of a minority?
Yes (please, specify):
Motivation and aims for participating (add more lines)
Please, describe the work you are doing and the projects you have been
involved in. (add more lines)
Which working group would you like to attend? (Indicate two priorities,
put "1" and "2" behind the relevant working groups.)
A: Migrants & refugees and 'Fortress Europe'
B: Situation of minorities in Europe
C: The danger of extreme right in Europe
D: Learning from the past - Education
Please, describe in which way you could contribute to this working
group: (add more lines)
Would you need financial support from UNITED for your travel costs?
If yes, why?
How much? (maximum: 300 Euro / under 1000 km use train or bus)
Would you take part in the excursion to Auschwitz?
(Monday 24/11, at extra costs)
For those who will need a visa:
Private address of the delegate:
Place of birth:
Number of passport:
valid until:
Polish embassy where you apply for visa:
fax Embassy:
Personal phone / mobile phone / fax / e-mail where you can be reached in
Only those candidates selected for participation will be contacted �
October 13, 2003
SEND this by email, mail or fax to:
UNITED, Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam
phone +31-20-6834778, fax +31-20-6834582, info@unitedagainstracism.org
If you don't want to receive the UNITED E-news anymore, just reply to
this message with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line
If you want to receive a copy of E-news to your own email address, just
send a message from that address with 'subscribe' in the subject line
UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support
of migrants and refugees
Postbox 413 - NL 1000 AK Amsterdam
phone +31-20-6834778 - fax +31-20-6834582
info@unitedagainstracism.org - http://www.unitedagainstracism.org
Start your cyberday on http://www.icare.to - Internet Centre
Anti-Racism Europe