MINELRES: Fwd: Bulgaria: Romani Baht Foundation on Anti-Discrimination Law

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Sat Sep 20 16:02:41 2003

Original sender: Roma Network <romale@zahav.net.il>

From:   Romani Baht Foundation <baht2000@rtsonline.net>

Statement of the Board of Directors of Romani Baht Foundation (RBF) in
connection with the adoption of the Anti-Discrimination Law and other
important changes for the Roma community in Bulgaria.

The Board of Directors of RBF would like to express its gratitude to all
Roma and non-Roma NGOs in Bulgaria for their efforts to make the
adoption of the Anti-Discrimination Law become reality. It represents
the clearly articulated political will of the majority of the
parliamentary groups, as well as the well defined aspiration of the Roma
community, its NGOs, leaders and other groups. The Board would like to
thank especially its Legal Department for the hard work on the drafting
and lobbying for these so important legal acts. These are as follows:

Anti-Discrimination Law 
Documents of the Commission for Human Rights of the Roma Public Council
of Sofia Municipality 
- Action plan
- Inclusion of anti-discrimination clauses in the municipal regulations
- Agreement between Roma Public Council of Sofia Municipality, Ministry
of Education and Sofia Municipality.
Draft Law for Equal Access to Education Fund of the Ministry of

The Board would like to express its special gratitude to Daniela
Mihaylova, who devotedly and in many cases voluntarily participated in
the drafting of the above-stated documents.