MINELRES: UNITED E-NEWS: FARE Football Against Racism Action Week

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Tue Sep 16 14:34:00 2003

Original sender: UNITED <info@unitedagainstracism.org>

E-NEWS 12/09/03: FARE Football Against Racism Action Week 
UNITED E-NEWS 12/9/03:
Football Against Racism Action Week 16-28 October 2003 organised by
Possibilities for small financial support for your local actions during
the action week!
Deadline to apply at FARE October 3, 2003

See forwarded message below:

FARE Action Week against Racism and Discrimination: Get involved!

Many football fans and the large sections of the European football
community will stand united against racism and discrimination this
October during the fourth successive Football Against Racism in Europe
(FARE) network's week of action.

The European Action Week in Football will take place between the 16 and
28 of October 2003, and will feature activities by fan groups, national
associations, football clubs, community and migrant and organisations
anti-discrimination groups, youth centres and schools.

The European football family will stand united against racism this

During the extended week FARE will offer community and migrant groups,
fans and amateur clubs a small contribution (400 *) to produce
anti-racist leaflets, fanzines, banners, fan choreographies or organise
local events and special matches.  These activities are a culmination of
events that are underway throughout the year bringing together clubs,
migrant communities and fan groups in a positive partnership that
unifies the game to address a common problem.

For details on how you can join the Action Week, see the Guidelines in
English and German on http://www.FAREnet.org (Please note: The deadline
to apply for the small financial contribution is 3 October).

The FARE network has already received applications from countries
including Bulgaria, Ireland, Switzerland, Serbia & Montenegro, Slovak
Republic, Belgium, Macedonia and France. The main activities will take
place in countries were FARE is represented by a project partner, namely
the UK, Germany, Italy, Poland, Norway and Austria. In Germany top clubs
such as FC Schalke 04 and Borussia Dortmund will join the Week of

A central feature of the FARE Action Week will be the National
Anti-Racism Week of Action in the UK organised by the FARE partner Kick
it Out. 

Watch out for the latest news on http://www.FAREnet.org

If you like to receive a free poster, send us your postal address!

Markus Pinter
FARE c/o FairPlay
Moellwaldplatz 5/3
A-1040 Vienna
Phone ++43 1 713 35 94-93

F�r deutschsprachige Infos: http://www.FairPlay.or.at   oder

If you want to receive a copy of E-news to your own email address, just
send a message from that address with 'subscribe' in the subject line

UNITED for Intercultural Action
European network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of
migrants and refugees
Postbox 413   -  NL 1000 AK Amsterdam
phone +31-20-6834778  -  fax +31-20-6834582
info@unitedagainstracism.org  -  http://www.unitedagainstracism.org
Start your cyberday on http://www.icare.to   -  Internet Centre
Anti-Racism Europe