MINELRES: Minority Rights Information System: MIRIS newsletter
MINELRES moderator
Thu Sep 11 18:06:34 2003
Original sender: Moar Eva Maria <EvaMaria.Moar@eurac.edu>
With this thirs MIRIS-newsletter, we would like to inform you about the
documents (domestic legislation, case laws, treaties and reports) which
have been recently stored in the Minority Rights Information System
If you are interested in other documents, please go directly to the
MIRIS database: www.eurac.edu/miris.
We would be glad to inform you about future updates of the database. You
have the possibility to subscribe to the MIRIS-newsletter, which will be
issued on a bi-monthly basis. For subscription, please mail to:
miris@eurac.edu or reply to this email.
Any comments and suggestions from your side are very welcome!
Eva Maria Moar
On behalf of the MIRIS Team
Recently added documents to MIRIS - www.eurac.edu/miris
New Law on Croatian Radio television (19.02.2003) - English and Croatian
The new Law on Croatian Radio-Television (HRT) represents a significant
improvement over the previous one since it provides for transparent and
fair working of the public television`s and radio`s institutions.
Members of national minorities are entitled to propose candidates for
the HRT Broadcasting Council (Article 18). HRT has been accused of non
paying sufficient attention to issues such as refugee return and
minority rights.
We have started the collection of documents for the Netherlands with
reports, country information and legislation.
The Family Code of the Republic of Moldova (2001) - English and Romanian
The law contains non-discrimination provisions regarding the family in
general, the placement of children without parental care and the
Government Decision concerning several measures designed to support the
Gypsy population in the Republic of Moldova (2001) - English and
The law established a basic plan of actions taken to support the Gypsy
population in the Republic of Moldova.
Law no. 360/2002 concerning the Status of Policepersons - English and
The law contains general antidiscrimination regulations applicable
within the police forces and stipulate that in the
administrative-territorial units where persons belonging to a national
minority amount to over 20 percent of the total population, shall be
also hired in the Police forces also persons who speak the language of
the respective minority.
Law no. 253/2002 amending and supplementing several provisions of Law
no. 115/1999 concerning ministerial responsibility - English and
The law introduce as a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment the
issuing of discriminative normative orders or guidelines by the members
of the Government.
Law on Election of Deputies in the parliament of Serbia and Montenegro
(13.02.2003) - English and Serbian
Law on Election of the President of the Republic of Montenegro - English
and Serbian
Final Decision as to the admissibility of Applications nos. 41138/98 and
64320/01 joined by Moldovan and other and Rostas and other v Romania
(2003) - English
The European Court of Human Rights declared admissible the application
of 24 Romanian nationals of Roma origin who were forced to leave
Hadareni village (Mures county) after their houses were distroyed in the
riot of 20 September 1993.
Vertrag zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und dem Zentralrat der
Juden in Deutschland - German
The Treaty foresees the yearly allocation of 3.000.000? from the German
Government to the Zentralrat der Juden (Central Consistory of Jews). It
aims at contributing to the maintenance of the German-Jewish cultural
heritage, to the reconstruction of the Jewish community in Germany and
the fulfillment of the tasks of the Central Consistory of the Jews in
Treaty regarding Friendship and Cooperation Relationship Between Romania
and the Russian Federation (and the Joint Declaration of the Ministers
of Foreign Affairs) (2003) - English and Romanian
The treaty contains special provisions regarding the protection of
parties? respective national minorities and the Joint Declaration
condemns the consequences of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.
Report prepared for the Council of Europe concerning the implementation
of the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages in
Switzerland (2001) - English
Report on the implementation of the Framework Convention for the
Protection of National Minorities in Macedonia submitted by the
Association for Democratic Initiatives (2001) - English
Shadow Report on the implementation of the Framework Convention for the
Protection of National Minorities in Serbia and Montenegro by
Humanitarian Law Center (2003) - English and Serbian
Shadow Report on the Implementation of the Framework Convention for the
Protection of National Minorities in Montenegro made by several
Montenegrin NGOs (Ask, Matica Bosnjaka, Bonum, Forum Muslimana-Bosnjaka)
- English
Alternative Report on the Implementation of the Framework Convention for
the Protection of National Minorities: The situation of Roma women in
Serbia and Montenegro shadow report made by Bibija - Roma Women's Center
from Belgrade, Serbia (2003) - English
OSCE's Mission to Croatia Background Report Implementation of the
Constitutional Law on the Rights of National Minorities (CLNM) and
Related Legislation - English
European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance of the Council of
Reports examining racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance in
Andorra, Azerbaijan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Moldova and Sweden,
Armenia, Iceland, Luxemburg, Slovenia and Spain
About MIRIS:
The MIRIS System has been developed by the European Academy of Bolzano
The aim of the database is to promote the development of minority rights
standards by providing easily accessible information about the
implementation of minority rights for not only experts, public
officials, NGO's and minority representatives but also interested
researchers and students.
The MIRIS database includes the most important legal texts relating to
the rights of national minorities by concentrating upon relevant
national legislation and case-law. So as to obtain a more impartial
insight into the relevant issues, such texts have been put together by
reports compiled not only by minority groups but also through opinions
of experts, e.g. the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention. In
addition to this, specific documents on minority groups (covering, for
example statistical data and history) as well as relevant international
treaties and agreements of the UN, Council of Europe and the OSCE are
available for examination. The evaluation of the situation of minority
groups is supported by further texts that are to include case studies,
comments and in depth analyses.
The MIRIS System is bilingual with texts provided in both English and
the official language of the state concerned. Geographically, all member
States of the Council of Europe are included.
The database system is easily accessible through any internet browser by
means of a user-friendly interface. So as to facilitate the user's
search, the database includes different user interaction modes, those of
browsing the document database and full text search.
Eva Maria Moar
European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano
Dept. Minorities and Autonomies
Drususallee 1
I-39100 Bozen/Bolzano
Tel:+39-0471-055 218
Fax:+39-0471-055 299