MINELRES: Parliamentary question in EP: Russian minority's schools in Latvia
MINELRES moderator
Sat Sep 6 11:11:46 2003
SUBJECT: Russian minority's schools in Latvia
Languages are part of the richness of Europe. Several international
charters recognise the right for citizens to maintain and develop their
own languages.
In Latvia the important Russian-speaking community is struggling against
the government's intention to eliminate minority educational system. The
European Parliament in its resolution on Latvia's progress in the
accession process (2002) prompted to study the possibilities of
retaining secondary education in minority languages.
Does the Commission consider this attitude compatible with the European
values of fundamental rights and cultural and linguistic diversity? Has
the Commission asked for any information to the Latvian authorities on
this issue?
Does the Commission consider that a Europe of the Citizens has to
promote the protection and development of all languages? Would the
Commission consider supporting projects coming from organisations acting
in favour of the Russian language and other minority languages in
Date: 1/09/2003