MINELRES: Hungary: corrected list of addresses of minority self-governments

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Fri May 2 19:22:42 2003

Original sender: Solymosi Judit <[email protected]>

Dear colleagues,

I only realise that the list of addresses of the national minority
self-governments in Hungary - contained in the latest edition of our
Minority News [see
http://lists.delfi.lv/pipermail/minelres/2003-April/002697.html -
MINELRES moderator] - has been practically illegible because of the
accents in writing.

Please find here enclosed a new version where I omitted all accents.
This, however not really correct, is still usable and can be understood
without great difficulties. I apologize and thank you for your kind

Judit Solymosi

List of addresses of the National Minority Self-governments of Hungary

1. 	Bolg�r Orszagos Onkormanyzat
	Bulgarian National Self-government
        President:  Dr Dancso Muszev Dimitrov 
	1097 Budapest, Lonyay u. 41.
	Phone: 36 1 216 4211, 
	Fax: 36 1 216 4210

2.	Orszagos Cigany Onkormanyzat
	National Roma Self-government
	President: Mr Aladar Horv�th
	1074 Budapest, Doh�ny u. 76. 
	Phone: 36 1 322-8903, 322-8961
        Fax: 36 1 322-8501
3.	Gorog Orszagos Onkorm�nyzat
	Greek National Self-government
        President: Mr Theodorosz Szkevisz
        1054 Budapest, Vecsey u. 5.
        Phone: 36 1 302-7275
        Fax: 36 1 302-7277

4.	Orszagos Horvat Onkormanyzat
	National Croatian Self-government
        President: Dr Mihaly Karagics 
	1089 Budapest, Biro Lajos u. 24.
	Phone: 36 1 303-5636, 303-6094, 303-6093
        Fax.: 36 1 303-5636

5.	Orszagos Lengyel Kisebbsegi Onkormanyzat
	National Polish Minority Self-government 
        President: Dr Konrad Sutarski 
	1102 Budapest, Allomas u. 10.
	Phone and fax: 36 1 261-1798

6.	Magyarorszagi Nemetek Orszagos Onkormanyzata
	National Self-government of the Germans living in Hungary
        President: Mr Otto Heinek 
	1026 Budapest, Julia u. 9.
	Phone: 36 1 212-9151, 212-9152, 212-9155
	Fax.: 36 1 212-9153

7.	Magyarorsz�gi Romanok Orszagos Onkormanyzata
	National Self-government of the Romanians living in Hungary
        President: Mr Trajan Kreszta
	5700 Gyula, Eminescu u. 1.
	Phone and fax: 36 66-463-951

8.	Orszagos Orm�ny Onkormanyzat
	National Armenian Self-government
        President: Mr Gergely Ajan Senior
	Polgarmesteri Hivatal
        8600 Siofok, Fo t�r 1.	
        Phone: 36 84 313 100
        Fax 36 84 311 316
        Mobile: 36 30 902 42 74

9.	Szerb Orszagos Onkormanyzat
	Serbian National Self-government
        President: Dr Milica Pavlov
        1055 Budapest, Falk M. u. 3.
	Phone and fax.: 36 1 331-5345

10.	Orszagos Szlovak Onkormanyzat
	National Slovak Self-government
        President: Mr Janos Fuzik 
	1114 Budapest, Fadrusz u. 11/a.
	Phone: 36 1 386-8759, 
	Fax.: 36 1 466-9463 

11.     Orszagos Szloven Onkormanyzat
	National Slovenian Self-government
        President: Mr Marton Ropos 	
	9985 Felsoszolnok, Fo u. 5.
	Phone: 36-94-534-024
        Fax: 36-94-534-025
        Orszagos Szloven Onkormanyzat
        Budapesti Kirendelts�g 
	Budapest Office of the National Slovenian Self-government
        Office leader: Mr Ferenc Kranyecz 
	1075 Budapest, Rumbach u. 12.
        Phone and fax: 36 1 342-2721

12.	Orszagos Ruszin Kisebbsegi Onkormanyzat
	National Ruthenian Minority Self-government
        President: Ms Vera Giricz
        1145 Budapest, Gyarmat u. 85/B.
        Phone and fax: 36 1 468-2636,  468-2637

13.	Orszagos Ukran Onkormanyzat
        National Ukrainian Self-government
        President: Mrs Jaroszlava Hartyanyi 
        1066 Budapest, Zichy J. u. 10.
	Phone and fax: 36 1 302-5842, Fax: 36 1 216-5934