MINELRES: Poland: Software in Cashubian language

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Wed Mar 5 17:08:01 2003

Original sender: Paulk K?sk Szcz?pta <paulk@zk-p.pl>

Software in Cashubian language

The first software using Cashubian language - a 350.000 speakers
Slavonic minority language in northern Poland - has been created. A
group under coordination of programist Piotr Aszyk (Gdansk) has created
a text editor "KaszEd" and web browser based on K-Meleon. The software
can be downloaded as freeware from

Read about the idea and realisation:
For more info about Cashubians visit www.zk-p.pl, www.kaszubia.com.