MINELRES: 11th Annual International Conference on Conflict Resolution

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Wed Feb 19 11:42:49 2003

Original sender: Steve Olweean <Solweean@aol.com>


"Sharing Tools for Personal/Global Harmony"

AT A TIME OF PROFOUND CRISIS - a time that calls for new thinking, new
vision, new understanding, and new ways of relating in an increasingly
interdependent global community. We invite you to join an international
gathering of leading thinkers, peace activists, and healers making a
difference in their communities, their societies, and the world by
building capacity for peaceful relationships. 

May 8 - 18, 2003   St. Petersburg, Russia
(Formal conference program May 9-14)

Sponsored by Common Bond Institute (USA) & HARMONY Institute (RUSSIA), 
in cooperation with Association for Humanistic Psychology

JOIN over 50 presenters and hundreds of participants from around the
world for another dynamic program.

~ Continuing Education Credits available ~

A multi-disciplinary/multi-cultural conference that has received support
from Former President Clinton, Former President Yeltsin, St. Petersburg
Governor Jakovlev, and is endorsed by over 70 leading-edge organizations
and universities internationally.  Part of the Hague Appeal for Peace
Civil Society Calendar.  - OPEN TO ALL.

This joint US/Russian sponsored event FOCUSES ON all aspects of conflict
transformation, from the intrapersonal - to the interpersonal - to
relationships between groups, organizations, cultures, and societies -
and ultimately between us and other species.

PRESENTATIONS explore conflict resolution within diverse contexts,
including: arts/creativity, cross-cultural/ethnic, ecology/environment,
economics/business, education, gender, global/regional conflict,
health/healing arts, human rights, organizational/community,
psychology/psychotherapy, and transpersonal/spiritual.

(A Preliminary List of Presenters and session topics will be posted in
the near future).

In addition to the variety of topics being addressed this year is an
increased emphasis on the dynamics of Terrorism and "The Other"
throughout the world, Trauma, and issues in the Middle East, South Asia,
and Balkans.

Many opportunities are offered for hands-on practical skills training,
sharing of programs and curriculums, intensive dialogues on theory and
perceptions of conflict and resolution, important networking and
collaboration, and a powerful intentional community experience.
Participants have come from over 60 countries and all continents,
providing excellent opportunities for important networking contacts
between peace builders representing many organizations and societies.
The program attracts individuals in key positions in their respective
societies, some from both sides of existing conflicts, who can model and
teach these skills to many others.

6 DAYS of all-day institutes, workshops, roundtables, and community
meetings. 55 program sessions, and a full slate of evening activities
and social / cultural events. 
4 DAYS of pre- and post-conference cultural events, tours, and
professional visits and meetings in St. Petersburg during the 300 year

NOW MORE THAN EVER, WE INVITE YOU to join us in endorsing nonviolence in
the world and sharing the methods to achieve it. 


** Longer announcements and forms available by request, Please also
visit our Web Site for full details. **

For Information, Proposal and Registration forms, CONTACT:
Steve Olweean, Conference Coordinator
12170 S. Pine Ayr Drive, Climax, Michigan 49034
Ph/Fax: 269-665-9393   E-mail: solweean@aol.com
Full details available at WEB SITE: http://ahpweb.org/cbi/home.html