MINELRES: Launch of HRI's newly designed homepage

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Wed Dec 10 16:40:03 2003

Original sender: Human Rights Internet <[email protected]> 

Engage, Educate and Empower � New HRI Theme 
To commemorate International Human Rights Day, HRI will be launching
their newly designed homepage with the inspirational theme: Engage,
Educate and Empower. HRI invites human rights actors to become more
involved in the ongoing commitment to defend and protect human rights
worldwide and aims to assist in strengthening their ability to respond
to the unique challenges they encounter by providing them with readily
accessible tools of research and accurate information. Familiar features
such as: In the news, Web Highlights, For the Record, Internships, and
the HR Databank will remain on the new homepage with expanded versions
of both the electronic documentation centre and the thematic program
section. Mark your calendars to visit the fresh new look of HRI�s
homepage on December 10th, 2003. 
