MINELRES: New international position for Roma professional

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Mon Apr 28 10:35:25 2003

Oriignal sender: Valery Novoselsky <eli-ari@zahav.net.il>


Deputy Director - The European Roma Information Office 


The purpose of this post is to provide direction to the European Roma
Information Office (ERIO) as it establishes itself as a Roma mechanism
for lobbying European Union (EU) institutions. ERIO is a new independent
non-governmental organisation aimed at promoting the full and equal
participation of Roma in Europe, especially in EU development policy and

The Deputy Director will be a Roma middle manager with substantial
experience in NGO programme implementation at the national level. 

ERIO's mission is to make a reality of accession country undertakings to
integrate their Roma populations fully and equally. ERIO's methods are
networking, information exchange, policy analysis, lobbying and
advocacy. ERIO's presence in Brussels permits permanent contact with the
institutions of the European Union. Through ERIO, Roma NGOs in the
accession countries will especially benefit from direct contact and
influence with the European institutions.


Deputy Director Post includes:

- Take responsibility for the effective organisation and management of
the ERIO office in Brussels
- On a day to day basis manage the implementation of the activities in
the annual work plan
- Stand in for the Executive Director in his or her absence
- Ensure the web site, bulletin and other means of dissemination are
regularly issued and up-dated
- Respond on a regular basis to queries from Roma NGOs regarding issues
related to the Brussels institutions
- Take prime responsibility for supervision of Roma interns from local
- Organise regular briefings and events as required by the advocacy and
lobbying objectives of the office
- Arrange meetings for visiting Roma delegations and provide advice  and
information to EU personnel visiting the field

Candidates applying for the Deputy Director Post should meet the
following essential requirements:

- At least three years of experience of NGO management and programme
- Positive approach to overcoming obstacles arising in the
implementation of programme activities
- Broad knowledge and understanding of Roma issues across Europe, with
special emphasis on the transition
- Self-motivated and willing to learn the detailed functioning of the EU
- Proven capacity to mentor and motivate staff
- Fluency in at least three European languages of which Romani and
English essential 

For further information please contact: 


Closing date for completed applications (Letter of interest and
Curriculum Vitae):  May 5th, 2003. 

Short listed candidates will be invited for an interview in Brussels
after May 30th 2003, the date will be confirmed.