MINELRES: CfA: Distance learning course on Human Rights Advocacy (in Russian)

MINELRES moderator minelres@lists.delfi.lv
Tue Apr 22 10:32:05 2003

Original sender: Frank Elbers <felbers@hrea.org>

Dear MINELRES-L members,

HREA will offer a distance learning course on Human Rights Advocacy from
15 September-7 December 2003. Course instructor is Krassimir Kanev,
Director of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee. Working language of the
course is Russian. The course is intended for staff members of human
rights and social justice organisations. The course is free of charge
for successfull applicants from Central and Eastern Europe, Newly
Independent States and Central Asia through the generous support of the
Open Society Justice Initiative and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign

Further information about the course (in Russian) and links to
application forms can be found below. Deadline of application is 1
August 2003. Inquiries about the course can be sent to:

Kind regards,

Frank Elbers
Distance Learning Programme, HREA

http://www.hrea.org/courses/application2R03.doc (Word)
http://www.hrea.org/courses/application2R03.pdf (PDF)

>From the moderator: Russian text omitted because of encoding problem,
see the links abovwe. 