MINELRES: CfP: Papeles del Este Transiciones poscomunistas, Nr 2.

MINELRES moderator [email protected]
Sat Aug 24 10:40:42 2002

Original sender: Ruth Ferrero <[email protected]>

Call for papers_______________

Papeles del Este is a bi-annual electronic journal that analyzes topics
related to the transformations that took place in systems demarcated by
their Soviet genre. Thus, Papeles del Este aspires to go beyond our
mentioned scope of analysis by including the similar experiences of
reform seen in countries such as China, Cuba and Vietnam.  

Our objective is to develop a forum of critical debate concerning the
changes that have taken place in the
post-communist countries and to offer an open editorial space where
individuals may publish investigations that rigorously study the
transformation of the post-communist systems and it�s repercussions on
the new world order.

Our intentions are to elaborate the essential questions that help in
understanding, analyzing and explaining the challenges dealt with by the
post-communist countries from an interdisciplinary view.  Each issue
will contain a monograph followed by a forum of debate; this latter
section will be composed of the ideas postulated in the monograph and of
other works on the problematic of transition, not necessarily related
with the monograph. We would be please if you decide collaborate with us
sending articles.

The next issue of Papeles del Este. Transiciones postcomunistas (which
will be edited in December of 2002) will examine in its monographic part
the social actors during transition periods and accession to the
European Union as follows:

1. The difficult harmony of the social and the economic in postcommunist

2. Political Transition: Reform of old and born of new trade unions,
relations among them and with the political parties.

3. The set up of trade unions in front of the big dilemmas of the
economic reforms.

4. Relations between trade unions and left parties.

5. The new legal-institutional framework. Change of the role of trade
unions in the new constitutional development.

6. Social dialogue: Actual situation, main problems, actors, results.
The consultation of social speakers in the pre-accession process.

7. Collective bargaining: Common features and problems. Structures, main
contents, efficiency. Employers associations.

8. Relations with civic society: relations with NGOs, social situation
and trade unions activity in this sphere, collaboration and problems
among trade unions and civic society.

9. The social and the labour in the transition period.

10. Managerial and Employers organizations: new actors, new

Articles on other issues related with Eastern Europe are welcome to our
Debate Platform.

Furthermore, you can collaborate by sending:

Addresses of websites 
Book and magazine reviews 
News on electoral processes in the area 
Dates of meeting and seminars 
Commentaries, critiques, proposals of topics for subsequent issues 

For more information concerning norms of publication consult our website
at www.ucm.es/BCUM/cee/papeles o
write us at [email protected]. 

� El copyright de los art�culos pertenece a sus autores. Pueden ser
enlazados o reproducidos
electr�nicamente para fines docentes, sin alteraciones e indicando su
procedencia. Para su reproducci�n en
publicaciones impresas, debe solicitarse la correspondiente autorizaci�n
a los autores.

Son bienvenidos art�culos, informaciones o comentarios 

Tel�fono 91-3942404 
Fax 91-3942499 
Direcci�n postal 
Papeles del Este, Transiciones Poscomunistas.
Departamento de Econom�a Aplicada I. Pabell�n de 2� Curso. 
Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Econ�micas y
Campus de Somosaguas. Pozuelo de Alarc�n. 28223 Madrid. Espa�a. 
Correo electr�nico 
Informaci�n general: [email protected]
Administrador de Web: [email protected]