Publication of opinions on the protection of national minorities by Liechtenstein and Hungary
MINELRES moderator
Tue, 18 Sep 2001 16:28:43 +0300
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: Markes-Goerlach Nicola
Subject: Publication of opinions on the protection of national
minorities by Liechtenstein and Hungary
Please find below a recent press release concerning the Framework
Convention for the Protection of National Minorities,0,0,0,0&M=
Publication of opinions on the protection of national minorities by
Liechtenstein and Hungary
Strasbourg, 17.09.2001 - Two opinions of the Advisory Committee on the
Council of Europe's Framework Convention for the Protection of
National Minorities on the measures taken in this field by
Liechtenstein and Hungary have just been made public on the initiative
of the states concerned. The publication of these opinions follow on
from those on Slovakia and Finland in July 2001.
They contain a legal assessment of the adequacy of the measures taken
by Liechtenstein and Hungary to comply with the Framework Convention.
In its opinion on Liechtenstein, the Advisory Committee notes
Liechtenstein's declaration that there are no national minorities on
its territory and recognises that the potential for applying some
provisions of the Framework Convention in Liechtenstein was rather
With regard to Hungary, the opinion notes that particularly
commendable efforts have been made to protect national minorities,
especially through the establishment of a system of minority
self-government and an education system for the minorities. Much
nonetheless remains to be done to complete the legal and institutional
framework and fully ensure that the standards set are applied in
practice. The opinion notes that the situation of the Roma gives rise
to deep concern, notably regarding numerous acts of discrimination
against them, still widespread negative social perceptions and
significant differences in socio-economic and living conditions
between Roma and the remaining population.
The opinions, their executive summaries and the comments of the
governments concerned can be consulted on the Internet:,0,0,0,0&M=
* * *
The opinions are drawn up by an Advisory Committee of 18 independent
experts after scrutiny of the reports submitted by states parties to
the Framework Convention and, as appropriate, visits to the countries
concerned. They are then submitted to the Council of Europe Committee
of Ministers, which at present is examining the first series of
opinions. The Committee of Ministers can make recommendations to the
countries concerned and set a time-limit for putting the
recommendations into effect.
The opinions are as a rule to be made public together with states
parties' written comments and the Committee of Ministers' conclusions
and recommendations. If they wish, however, and without prejudice to
the subsequent Committee of Ministers examination, states parties can
publish the opinions concerning them and their written comments,
before the Committee of Ministers examines the opinions. Liechtenstein
and Hungary have made use of this possibility.
So far the Advisory Committee has adopted 13 opinions, on Denmark (22
September 2000), Finland (22 September 2000), Hungary (22 September
2000), Slovakia (22 September 2000), San Marino (30 November 2000),
Liechtenstein (30 November 2000), Malta (30 November 2000), Cyprus (6
April 2001), Croatia (6 April 2001), the Czech Republic (6 April
2001), Romania (6 April 2001), Italy (14.09.2001) and Estonia
Press Contact
Sabine Zimmer, Council of Europe Press Service
Tel. +33 3 88 41 25 97 - Fax. +33 3 88 41 27 90
Nicola Markes-Goerlach
Council of Europe
Directorate General of Human Rights
Secretariat of the Framework Convention
for the Protection of National Minorities and of the DH-MIN
F-67075 Strasbourg-Cedex
Tel: 00 33 - (0)3 90 21 44 33
Fax: 00 33 - (0)3 90 21 49 18
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