Roma conference Green-EFA Group European Parliament
MINELRES moderator
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 10:40:40 +0300
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: Ariel Eliyahu <>
Subject: Roma conference Green-EFA Group European Parliament
ORIGINAL SENDER: Maria Doeke Boekraad
Roma conference Green-EFA Group European Parliament
Hereby you are invited to our conference on the situation of Roma and
Sinti on the threshold of Enlargement. We would be very happy to meet
you in Strasbourg, on Thursday 4 October, see agenda attached.
participants will be invited to ask questions and to participate at
the final debate.
The Green/European Free Alliance Group in the European Parliament
would like to deepen its knowledge on the current Roma and Sinti
situation inside the European Union and the accession countries and
to discuss the effectiveness of EU policy towards the Roma and Sinti
communities. As a result of the conference we will adopt a declaration
with proposals for an improvement of the EU policy towards Roma and
Sinti communities.
The Green/EFA group has reserved a low budget hotel (26 EUR pp for a
shared room with two persons, 52 EUR for a single room with shower) in
a hotel in Strasbourg-center. You can use the rooms at request.
If you are interested to register or for more information, don't
hesitate to contact:
Mardoeke Boekraad at <>
Fax: + 00 32 2 284 9215
Tel: + 00 32 474 624006
ROMA AND SINTI on the threshold of EU enlargement
Draft dated: 10.09.2001
Thursday, 4 October 2001
European Parliament, Strasbourg
10:00 - 12:30: part I
14:30 - 17:30: part II and III
Opening and Introduction by Mercedes Echerer, MEP
Part I: Situation of Roma in Accession Countries
Facilitating the debate: Mercedes Echerer, MEP
Keynote speaker : Nicolae Gheorghe, (to be confirmed) OSCE/ODIHR
(Office for Democratic Institutions and Human rights), Roma and Sinti
advisor at the Contact point for Roma and Sinti Issues (CPRSI):
General overview over Roma situation in Eastern and Central Europe
Human rights
Rachel Guglielmo, Open Society Institute, (name to be confirmed)
Director of the EU accession monitoring programme: Presentation of a
forthcoming study of their EU Accession Monitoring Program on the
situation of Roma and Sinti in Eastern and Central Europe regarding
the accession criteria
Veronika Leila Szente, European Roma Rights Center, Human rights
legal advocacy director
the need to recognise Roma rights as human rights: recent legal
initiatives in Enlargement countries
Mr. Edmund Muller, Roma Legal Defence Agency: Impact of EU policy on
the Roma situation in Slovakia
Socio-economical integration
Andras Biro, PAKIV, European Roma Fund, Hungary: Situation of Roma in
Hungary: which strategies are effective with a focus on education,
income, anti-discrimination
Marie-Noklle Grell, PHARE-Lien programme: conclusions of the LIEN
programme for socio-economic integration of Roma by NGOs on
grassroots level
European policy approaches
European Commission, DG Enlargement or External relations
Frangoise Kempf, Council of Europe, on the Priorities of the work on
the Council of Europe on Roma and Sinti issues
Conclusions: Elisabeth Schroedter, MEP
Part II: Situation of Roma in the European Union
Facilitating the debate: Elisabeth Schroedter, MEP
Helge Valama, Chairperson of Roma organisation in Finland, on
anti-racism in the European Union
Alexandros Tsolakis, Advisor towards the Director of DG
Education/culture at the European Commission
Basic ideas behind European Commission policies towards Roma
Nabilah Chagaar, president of APPONA or other representative of
Alsacian Roma/Manouche association on Social insertion in the Alsacian
region and experiences with EU programs
International Romani Union, representative to be named
Rudko Kawczynski, Roma National Congress, Situation of Roma and Sinti
in the European Union
Conclusions: Nelly Maes, MEP
Part III: What new European policies are needed
Facilitating the debate: Nelly Maes, MEP, vice-president of the
Green/European Free Alliance Group of the European Parliament
Panel with MEPs and Roma representatives
General discussion, adoption of declaration, conclusions
Mrs. Mardoeke Boekraad
634 Chaussee de St. Job
1180 Brussels
TEL: + 32 - 2 - 374 30 10
GSM: + 32 - (0) - 474 624 006
MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern
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