UN Human Rights Committee: Case 884/1999 Ignatane vs Latvia

MINELRES moderator minelres@mailbox.riga.lv
Fri, 07 Sep 2001 17:45:11 +0300

From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>

Subject: UN Human Rights Committee: Case 884/1999 Ignatane vs Latvia

The MINELRES list members have been already informed about the views
of the UN Human Rights Committee on this case (see UN Human Rights
Committee finds violations in Latvia's treatment of national minority
candidate, Minority issues in Latvia, No. 34, August 12, 2001,
). This is definitely an important precedent which is to clarify
interpretation of linguistic rights and possible restristions on the
basis of language - one of the most painful and controversial aspects
of minority rights, this is why we promised to make the full text of
the Views available as soon as possible. Because of poor quality of
the faxed hardcopy we had at our disposal, implementation of this
promise took us more time then we hoped. Anyway, now the full text of
the UN HRC Views is now available online at

Any comments on the issue are welcome. 


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