New publication: OSCE HCNM activities in Estonia and Latvia
MINELRES moderator
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 17:04:33 +0300
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: Vadim Polestsuk <>
New publication: OSCE HCNM activities in Estonia and Latvia
Dear all,
I would like to inform about the book that was recently published by
the Schleswig-Holstein Institute for Peace Research in Germany
(publishing house LIT). I guess it contains interesting information
about the minority situation in Estonia and Latvia (legislation on
aliens and naturalisation, integration policy and language
requirements) and about the practical results of the OSCE HCNM
activities in the Baltic region.
Best regards,
Vadim Poleshchuk
Vadim Poleshchuk
Advice not welcomed
Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner to Estonia and Latvia
and the response
Kieler Schriften zur Friedenswissenschaft
Bd. 9, LIT, 2001, 120 pp., ISBN 3-8258-5700-x
The first OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Max van der
Stoel, is widely recognised as one of the architects of peace and
stability in the Baltic region. However, his involvement into the
interethnic reconciliation in Estonia and Latvia was formally limited
to the recommendations made to the respective governments. The book
contains an overview of the High Commissioner's urgent advice, an
analysis of the appropriate changes in domestic legislation from 1993
to 2000, and finally the practical effects of the recommendations. The
book contributes to more realistic and balanced studies of the role
and potential of influential international organisations.
The author is a legal advisor-analyst at the Legal Information Centre
for Human Rights in Tallinn, Estonia.
The price is 24.90 DEM. The contact address of the publishing house
* phone + 49 251 235091
* fax +49 251 231972
* e-mail <>
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