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on measures in favour of minority languages and cultures

The European Parliament,

A. considering that some 30 million Community citizens have as their mother tongue a regional language or a little-spoken language,

B. aware of the resurgence of special movements by ethnic and linguistic minorities aimed at bringing about a deeper understanding and recognition of their historical identity,

C. having regard to its own resolution of 16 October 1981 on the subject,

1. Calls on the Commission:

- to continue and intensify its efforts in this area, particularly in relation to establishing pilot projects and studies,

- to review all Community and national legislation and practices which discriminate against minority languages, and prepare appropriate Community instruments for ending such discrimination,

- to report to Parliament by the end of 1983 on the outcome of action taken on the two points above;

2. Calls on the Commission to report to Parliament on the practical measures taken or due to be taken in the near future to encourage regional and folk cultures and cultural policy in the context of media and culture programmes and to finance regional economic projects under the Regional Fund within the meaning of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the resolution of 16 October 1981;

3. Calls on the Council to ensure that the principles of Parliament's resolution are respected in practice;

4. Believes that Parliament should continue to monitor progress in this area at Community level, and that the appropriate parliamentary committees should hold a joint meeting to consider how best this should be done;

5. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission, Council, Council of Europe and the governments of the Member States.

11 February 1983

Official Journal of the European Communities, No C 68/103, 14.3.83