Transitions: the latest issue

Date: Mon, 22 Dec 97 12:17:18 -0500
From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>
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To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject: Transitions: the latest issue

From: MINELRES moderator       \ Internet:    ([email protected])

Transitions: the latest issue

The latest issue of Transitions (vol.4, no.7, December 1997) contains the
following materials: 

- From the editor: Revoking Yalta (on NATO enlargement) 

- Notes from along the way: Belarus  steps up its intimidation campaign, by
Barbara Oertel; Slovak higher education heads for the provinces, by Tom
Nickolson; Bulgaria wrestles the long arm of Gazprom, by Ron Synovitz;
Russia; Transcaucasia and Central Asia; Eastern Europe and more

- In their own words: Bosnia: Fond memories of An Enemy; Armenia: 'Keeping
Karabakh Armenian'; Russia: Nemtsov quizzed by students and more

- Three presidents on joining NATO: Vaclav Havel: 'A chance to stop
exporting wars and violence; Arpad Goncz: 'The least expensive way to
guarantee security'; Aleksander Kwasniewski: 'Isolationism is an

- No NATO shelter for Romania, by Peter Gross and Vladimir Tismaneanu

- Monetary unity, political disunity, by Milton Friedman (on European

- No flying color for Dayton - yet, by Christopher Bennett

- Why Russia lacks a labor movement, by Paul T.Christensen

- Still favoring the Power of the Workers, by Sven Gunnar Simonsen (about V.
Kuptsov, a second-in-command of Russia's Communist Party)

- Social goals are not social rights, by Zvonimir Jankuloski (on Albanian
minority in Macedonia) 

- Mongolia's bumpy ride to capitalism, by Troy McGrath

- Playing two different tunes, as usual, in Moldova, by Gottfried Hanne

- Cartoons

- Books: Tomas Pasak: Emil Hacha, JD (1938-1945), Prague, Horizont, 1997;
Stanislawa Golinowska (ed): Social policy towards powerty: comparative
approach, Warsaw: Institute of labor and social affairs, 1997; Gyorgy Konrad
: the unseen voice, Budapest: Palatinus, 1997 (on Jewish identity and post-

- Point-counter-point: Should the West open its doors to the East's Roma?
Yes: Romani refugees deserve international protection, by Arthur C. Helton; 
No: Asylum can't replace improvements at home, by Jonas Widgren

- Media Watch: Estonia: Winning back Russian viewers, by Jeremy Druker;
Moldova: Switching channels, by Susan Caskie

- Media profile: Facts apart, opinion apart (by Alexander Levinskii, editor-
in-chief of Bryanskoe Vremia, Bryansk, Russia

- Cityscape: The mixed towns of Transylvania, by Ella Veres
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