Russian Society in Latvia: Appeal to the OSCE
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 18:10:18 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: Russian Society in Latvia: Appeal to the OSCE
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: Aleksandrs Rzavins <>
Russian Society in Latvia: Appeal to the OSCE
The appeal of the Russian Society in Latvia to the OSCE
In the 18 December 2001 the Permanent Council of the OSCE decided to
close down the OSCE Mission to Latvia.
Russian Society in Latvia (RSL) supposes that this was not right
decision. The RSL regrets that political reasons and double standards
have prevailed over human rights.
In the 4 May 1990, when Latvia restored its independence, Latvia has
also joined international human rights instruments, such as the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on Reduction
of Statelessness, which contain provisions that nobody can be
arbitrarily deprived of citizenship.
In 4 May 1990 - 15 October 1991 all citizens of the former Latvian SSR
were equal citizens of Latvian Republic. But in the 15 October 1991
Latvian authorities deprived 1/3 of them of the right of citizenship
despite Latvian international legal obligations. As a result thousands
persons belonging to national minorities became stateless. In 1995
these people were recognised as "Aliens of Latvia". Till now 25% of
population of Latvia are totally excluded from political life of
Latvia, and do not have any possibility to influence Latvian policy
with democratic means.
Now authorities state that Aliens have freedom of choice to obtain
Latvian citizenship through naturalisation or not. However they did
not have any choice to became stateless persons or remain Latvian
citizens in 1991. And Aliens of Latvia are not foreigners. Aliens of
Latvia do not consider them-selves as foreigners, but full rights
citizens of Latvia, who are deprived of citizenship during dirty
political games of Latvian nationalists.
Aliens of Latvia have not received explanations from Latvian
authorities about legitimacy of their status and way, how they became
stateless. In this way, the RSL asks the OSCE to answer following
1) What crime did each Alien of Latvia (including babies) personally
commit, that he or she was deprived of the right of citizenship in
2) Which legal bases did authorities of Latvia have to deprive
thousands people of the right of citizenship?
3) Which legal bases did authorities of Latvia have to deprive of the
citizenship persons, who elected them?
4) Does the OSCE recognise the deprivation of thousands of people of
the right of citizenship in Latvia in 1991as legal action?
5) Was deprivation of the right of citizenship a legal action
according to international human rights standards?
a) If yes, how decisions of Latvian authorities (including the
restoration of independence) can be considered as legal, if these
authorities were elected by persons who did not have right to
participate in political life of Latvia?
b) If not, how all elections to the Latvian parliament since 1991 can
be considered as free and legal? How future referendum concerning
joining the EU will be considered as legal, if 25% of voters are not
be able to participate in it?
Tatjana Favorska,
The Chairwoman of the Board of the RSL
19 December 2001
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