CEU Summer University courses

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Sender: minelres-l@riga.lv
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 16:41:36 +0200 (EET)
Message-Id: <3BF91905.DAF49ACB@mailbox.riga.lv>
Subject: CEU Summer University courses
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>

Original sender: Kornelia Vargha <Varghak@ceu.hu>

CEU Summer University courses

November 20, 2000

Dear Colleague,

We would like to solicit your help to promote the Central European
University (CEU) summer program among your colleagues, your contacts
or any interested academics and professionals.

The Summer University (SUN) is an academic program for university
professors, administrators and professionals. It offers a series of
intensive two, three or four-week courses in the social sciences and
humanities to encourage and promote regional academic cooperation and
curriculum development by drawing together young faculty in lectures,
seminars and workshops.

Please find enclosed the flyer and the course description/s of the
course/s that may be of particular interest to you.

Applications should be received no later than January 15, 2001.

For further information you can contact our SUN office
(summeru@ceu.hu), write to our automatic e-mail account to receive an
application form (sunreq@ceu.hu), or visit our WEB site
(http://www.ceu.hu/sun/sunindx.html) where you can find the
application form and the description of each course.

Thank you for your kind assistance.

Sincerely yours,

Eva Gedeon
Executive Director
Summer University Office
1051 Budapest, N�dor u. 9.
Tel.: (36-1) 327-3811
Fax: (36-1) 327-3124

Kornelia Vargha
CEU Summer University
Program Officer
Budapest, 1051
Nador St. 11.
Tel.: (36-1) 327-3000/2902
Fx.:  (36-1) 327-3124
email: varghakceu.hu

>From the MINELRES moderator: In particular, at the website mentioned above you can find the description of the following courses:

Art & Cultural Studies 
Cultural Diversities East and West: Postcommunism, Postcolonialism and
Ethnicity Course
Director: Adrian Otoiu, North University Baia Mare, Romania
July 22-August 2

Gender Studies
Language, Gender, and Society Course 
Director: Louise Vasv�ri, State University of New York, USA
July 1-July 12

Legal Studies
Managing Conflict and Fostering Democratic Dialogue Course 
Directors: Lela Porter Love, Cardozo School of Law, New York, USA and
Csilla Kollonay Lehoczky, CEU, Budapest, Hungary
July 15-August 2

Nationalism Studies
Ethnic Relations and Democratization in Eastern Europe (Secession,
Federalism and Minority Rights) Course Director: M�ria M. Kov�cs, CEU,
Budapest, Hungary
July 1-July 12

Political Science
Intercultural Citizenship Course 
Director: Cesar Birzea, University of Bucharest, Romania
July 22-August 2

Cross-border identities - a narrative approach to migration
experiences Course 
Directors: Roswitha Breckner, Vienna University of Economics and
Business Administration, Austria and J�lia Vajda, ELTE Budapest,
July 22-August 2

and many more


MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern

Submissions: minelres-l@riga.lv  
Subscription/inquiries: minelres@mailbox.riga.lv 
List archive: http://www.riga.lv/minelres/archive.htm