Conciliation Resources: Two Senior Jobs in the UK
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 13:41:36 +0200 (EET)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Conciliation Resources: Two Senior Jobs in the UK
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Original sender: Andy Carl <>
Conciliation Resources: Two Senior Jobs in the UK
We are recruiting two senior positions with Conciliation Resources
(CR), and we are relying on our professional networks to put the word
out. I would appreciate your taking a moment to read the notice below
and (a) apply if your interested; (b) bring this to the attention of a
suitable candidate; or (c) post it on an appropriate bulletin board in
your workplace.
For those of you who know Guus Meijer (Co-Director) and Catherine
Barnes (Accord), both, for personal reasons, are moving into Programme
Associate positions within CR over the next three to nine months. The
organisation is embracing these changes with some regrets and lots of
Apologies for any double postings and thank you for your help.
Yours sincerely,
Andy Carl
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Conciliation Resources (CR) is an international service for local
organisations pursuing peacebuilding and conflict transformation
initiatives. CR currently supports activities of partner organisations
in Angola, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Fiji, Uganda and West Africa. It
was established in 1994 and now has a staff of ten in London and six
in West Africa and an annual turnover of approximately �1.3 million.
CR is seeking experienced candidates for two senior positions:
Co-Director (Organisation)
The Organisational Director will be responsible for the strategic and
day-to-day management of CR, in close collaboration with the Programme
Director and senior programme staff. S/he will oversee policy
development and planning, fundraising, financial and general
administration, office management, personnel issues, information and
communication, directly supervising a small support staff team
consisting of the Administrator/Finance Officer and an Admin
Assistant. Liaison with CR's Board, programme associates and other
consultants and external representation in national and international
forums and platforms will also be part of the job, as will be
organisational learning.
Commitment to conflict resolution and solid management experience,
preferably in similar environment.
Starting salary between �29,948 and �34,385 (+ 9% pension
Closing date: Friday 14 December 2001
ref. OD
Accord Programme Manager / Series Editor
The Accord programme creates opportunities for learning from peace
processes through policy seminars and popular education activities
around the publication of the series Accord: an international review
of peace initiatives (print and on-line, 3 issues/year). The Programme
Manager is responsible for the strategic development and general
management of the programme, its day-to-day planning, as well as
fundraising. S/he will also have final responsibility for the
editorial content of all publications and oversee international
collaboration with regard to the programme's related activities
(seminars, translations, educational materials, radio broadcasts,
etc.). Management of two staff and guest issue editors and liaison
with other contributors.
Experience in project management and editing, peace and conflict
Starting salary between �25,572 and �27,730 (+ 9% pension
Closing date: Friday 23 November 2001
Ref. Accord
For details on CR and the Accord programme (including full texts of
all Accord issues published to date) visit
Application packs (including application form) for both vacancies, can
be obtained from the CR website or by sending an A4 stamped (54p) and
self-addressed envelope to the address below, quoting the relevant job
reference on the left hand corner of the envelope.
Please note that all candidates must be eligible to work legally in
the UK. CR regrets that it can not cover travel costs for overseas
applicants or provide a relocation package.
Conciliation Resources
173 Upper Street
London N1 1RG
Conciliation Resources
173 Upper Street
London, N1 1RG
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