Job Vacancy: Research Director, INCORE, Northern Ireland

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Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2000 09:04:31 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: Job Vacancy: Research Director, INCORE, Northern Ireland

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>

Original sender: Stefan Wolff <[email protected]>

Job Vacancy: Research Director, INCORE, Northern Ireland

RESEARCH DIRECTOR INCORE                (Ref: C00/497)
Job Title:          Director of Research
                   (two year contract, in the first instance)
Reports to:         INCOREs Director
Job Purpose:    To commission, manage, supervise and conduct research
into ethnicity and the resolution and management of ethnic conflict.
INCORE is the Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity jointly
associated to the United Nations University and administered by the
University of Ulster.  Its special concerns are the analysis,
resolution and management of ethnic conflict, with particular
attention to the concerns of the United Nations and the developing
world.  INCOREs major functions are the conduct of research on ethnic
conflict and conflict management, and policy and evaluation work.
INCORE encourages closer links between research, policy, training,
practice and theory.  Its connection with the UN system provides an
opportunity for researchers, trainers and practitioners to influence
international and national policies.
Key Responsibilities
1. The development and implementation of INCOREs research projects.
2. The administration and conduct of research and related activities.
3. Raising funds to ensure that research is adequately resourced.
Liaising with local international collaborators in preparing formal
grant applications to national and international funding agencies.
4. Liaison with local and international colleagues in the design of
research proposals with international and comparative dimensions.
5. Liaising with and supervising the work of the Research Development
6. Supervision of Research Officers working on INCORE led projects
7. Representing and negotiating on behalf of INCORE where appropriate.
8. Liaison with the University of Ulsters courses, where appropriate.
9. Working as a member of a small team to promote INCOREs objectives.
10. Liaison with personnel working on INCOREs computer based Conflict
Data Service.
11. To arrange for the publication  and widespread distribution of
research findings and reports.
The post of Research Director is a senior position within INCORE.  The
post will be based in Derry/Londonderry. The contract will be for two
years in the first instance. Applications will be welcome from
academic members of staff of the University of Ulster, who might be
seconded to the post from their present department.  Salary will be in
the Research Fellow scale.
Application packs are available from:   The Recruitment Section,
Department of Human Resources, University of Ulster, Cromore Road,
Coleraine, BT52 1SA, NORTHERN IRELAND  Tel: +44 (0)28 7032 4348. 
Closing date for applications:  Friday, 8 December.  Interview date: 4
January 2001

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