Positive and Negative Stereotypes in the Balkan Media: July 1997

Date: Fri, 19 Sep 97 09:46:57 -0500
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>
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To: "minelres-l@riga.lv" <minelres-l@riga.lv>
Subject: Positive and Negative Stereotypes in the Balkan Media: July  1997
From:   MINELRES moderator       \ Internet:    (minelres@mailbox.riga.lv)

Original sender: Panayote Elias Dimitras  \ Internet:   (helsinki@compulink.gr) 

Positive and Negative Stereotypes in the Balkan Media: July  1997

(Greek National Committee of the International Helsinki Federation)
P.O. Box 51393, GR-14510 Kifisia, Greece
Tel. 30-1-620.01.20; Fax: 30-1-807.57.67; E-mail: helsinki@compulink.gr

Balkan Neighbors: Positive and Negative Stereotypes in the Media of Seven
Balkan Countries. Summary of the July 1997 Monitoring. 

Mariana Lenkova


The Project "Balkan Neighbors" involves teams which monitor the main print
media in seven Balkan countries: Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia,
Romania, Serbia and Turkey. The Project, coordinated by ACCESS, a Sofia-
based NGO, started in October 1996 and is funded by the Open Society
Institute, Budapest. On the basis of the monthly national reports, Mariana
Lenkova of the Greek Helsinki Monitor is responsible for the preparation of
regional summaries. This summary is based on the July reports from Greece,
Turkey and the FRY, as well as the June report from Turkey.

(Full texts of the reports are available by request from the MINELRES
database. The total volume is about 35 Kb. Boris)
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