NATMINET: Rroma Victims of Miners' Riot are called to claim damages

From: MINELRES moderator <>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 19:46:19 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: NATMINET: Rroma Victims of Miners' Riot are called to claim damages
From: MINELRES moderator <>

Original sender: Maria Kovacs <>

NATMINET: Rroma Victims of Miners' Riot are called to claim

This message was sent to NATMINET by the Rroma Students' Association
(ASRr). The information was passed on to them directly by those who
are investigating the case. The ASRr also announced that they will be
distributing the second issue of their newsletter, the Nevo Romano Ges
for free in the Rroma communities in Bucharest and its vecinity so
that the people in question learn about the investigation going on.
For those who want more information about this issue or about the
organization, contact:

Maria Kovacs

The Military Prosecution Department
Press release

The Rroma who were the victims of the miners' riot of 1990 will have
to register at the Military Prosecution Department for hearings

File 75 P/ 1998 registered at the Department of Military Prosecution
is in its final stage of investigation regarding the events that took
place between 13-15 June 1990, from which it results that in the
morning of June 14, 1990, subsequent to the actions (infractions) of
the miners and workers acting in close cooperation with members of the
police and of some military structures, there were about 1,800 injured

These persons were attacked without any reason, robbed and deprived of
liberty in an illegal manner. Many of them had their homes devastated.
>From the evidence provided by the Military Prosecution Department it
results that on those days a number of 1,080 persons were arrested.
These people were taken to the M�gurele and B�neasa Military Units,
where they were subjected to illegal and inhumane treatment. 

A great many of the arrested and beaten people belong to the Rrroma
ethnic group, who was, under the described circumstances, the victim
of an ethnic-origin based repression. Many of the beaten and arrested
persons were heard by the Military Prosecution Department as
plaintiffs, but many did not appear in front of the Prosecution, thus
making the investigations difficult. Those whose name does not appear
mentioned as plaintiffs claiming damages  in the brief will not be
entitled to damages, as the usual legal procedure will not be

Through the ASRr (The RRoma Students' Association) and its publication
we call all those who suffered during the events of June 1990 and were
not heard in connection with this by the Military Prosecution
Department to appear immediately at the Department of Military
Prosecution within the General Prosecution Department and look for
Magistrate Gen. Dan Voinea or Magistrate M. Vasile Doan�. We believe
it is important for these persons to contact us by 20 September 2000
at the latest. 

As regards the situation of the suit, it has been declared that
proceedings have been instituted for undermining state power, provided
for in Article 162 of the Penal Code, and already a number of
political leaders and top military officers have been accused. (Some
workers from Galati and other cities where there are huge industrial
plants were also identified among the attackers.) Investigations are
nearly completed. The damages claimed in the process will be paid for
by those found guilty and probably the institutions that employ those
persons if the offensive actions were done during their working hours
(as is the case of the police, the army, etc.).

Magistrate M. Vasile Doan�

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Romania, the Romanian Diaspora in the neighboring countries,
nationalism in general, multi- and intercultural education. It
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