Fwd: New Funding Guide to Grantmakers Giving in the CEE/NIS Region

Reply-To: minelres-l@riga.lv
Sender: minelres-l@riga.lv
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 11:44:06 +0300 (EET DST)
Message-Id: <3540DD90.F446070A@mailbox.riga.lv>
Subject: Fwd: New Funding Guide to Grantmakers Giving in the CEE/NIS Region
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>

Original sender: William McKinney <mckinney@ecmi.de> 

Fwd: New Funding Guide to Grantmakers Giving in the CEE/NIS

From: "Bethany L. Mancuso" <mancuso@voiceinternational.org>

VOICE International announces the publication of:
"Funding for Civil Society:  A Guide to U.S. Grantmakers Giving in
Central/Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States."

Funding for Civil Society is a user-friendly, up to date, detailed
guide to U.S. foundations and grantmaking organizations which directly
fund civil society in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly
States.  The directory will enable nongovernmental organizations in
the region to increase their chances of finding funding, allowing them
to enhance their programs and develop direct ties with U.S. funding

The directory will also serve as a useful tool for embassies, U.S.
non-profits, government agencies, multilateral institutions, plus
funders themselves that are working within the region.

Funding for Civil Society features:
* Current information - all research was completed between
June           and December of 1997,
* 56 easy to skim entries highlighting program areas,
  country/regional focuses, and types of funding available,
* Contact information including contact person, web site, and
  email address,
* Detailed program guidelines and grant application information
  included to save time and money when communicating
with                 potential funders,
* Information confirmed by the funding organizations,
* Convenient index by country, and
* Appendices on proposal writing and corporate funding.
           ** Order Information **

The guide is available from VOICE International for US$30 (shipping
and handling included).  For orders of 2-5 copies we offer a 10%
discount; for 5 or more copies we offer a 15% discount.  Please
forward your pre-paid order to VOICE International at: 1511 K Street,
NW, Washington, DC  20005  USA
** VOICE International Offers Funding for Civil Society on the Web!!

In order to make the guide as freely available as possible to
indigenous groups in the region, we are placing it on our web site at:
beginning in March of 1998.  We ask that all U.S. and other out of
region groups honor our request and pay the U.S.$30 fee for
downloading this guide.  Please send notification that you have
downloaded the guide with your payment to VOICE International at the
above address.
We also request that all indigenous groups send notification of
downloading the guide with any comments that may be useful to VOICE
and other organizations.  VOICE welcomes all comments and suggestions
regarding Funding for Civil Society.  Please send your comments to
VOICE International is a clearinghouse and technical assistance
network whose mission is to facilitate the exchange of U.S. and other
country information and experience to facilitate the formation,
diversity, and independence of civic organizations in Central and
Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States.
If you would like to learn more about Funding for Civil Society or
about VOICE International's programs in the region, please contact
Mancuso at "mancuso@voiceinternational.org" 202/737/2870 (Tel)
202/737/2872 (Fax)

European Centre for Minority Issues
William McKinney
Schiffbruecke 12
D-24939 Flensburg, Germany
e-mail: mckinney@ecmi.de
Tel:    +49 461 1414970
Fax:    +49 461 1414969

MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern

Submissions: minelres-l@riga.lv  
Subscription/inquiries: minelres@mailbox.riga.lv 
List archive: http://www.riga.lv/minelres/archive.htm