Transitions No.4, April 1998
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 1998 14:05:13 +0300 (EET DST)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Transitions No.4, April 1998
From: MINELRES moderator <>
Transitions No.4, April 1998
Most of materials in the next issue of Transitions (Vol.5 No.4, April
1998) are devoted to the problem of the EU enlargement. The content:
- Editor's note, by Anthony Borden
- Kosovo in Crisis: Beyond Drenica, by Shkelzen Maliqi
- Empty rodas and night shooting, by Gordana Igric and Gjeragina
- Letters
- Notes from along the way: Georgian 'conspiracies'; Danube dispute,
continued; Stuck on Brcko; Slovak power club and more
- In their own words: Chechnya: In broad daylight; Czech Republic:
Affirmative action, American style?; Russia: Tough talk
- Enlarging Europe: risks and responsibilities, by Jacques Rupnik
- The European Union opens the door, by Rory Watson
- Leraning about the bottom line, by David Rocks ("Candidate countries
bone up on the nuts bolts of financial issues, and brace themselves
for Western competition")
- On the borderline, by Antonio Cruz ("Applicant states are
ill-prepared to serve as the EU's new frontier")
- Rural reckoning, by Andrzej Rudka ("The vexing issue of agriculture
reform centers in Poland")
- Hollywood's Hungarina offensive, by Miklos Sukosd and Gabriella Cseh
("Budapest is caught in a squeeze play between European and American
media interests...")
- The race is on, by Kestutis Girnius ("Accession could calm the rough
waters of Baltic minority policies...")
- Prague's reality check, by Adam Creny ("After years of neglect,
Czechs have begun to get serious about joining the European Union...")
- Being left behind, by Stefab Hrib ("Slovakia is shunned as it
stumbles over its politics")
- A piece of the partnership, by Dmitrii Danilov ("Russia is counting
on the European Union to be good for business, and for security")
- The division bell, by Aliza Marcus ("The prospect of membership has
brought new complications for Cyprus, and the entire accession
- The price of Balkan bluster, by Vladimir Gligorov ("How politics and
economics pushed former Yugoslavia our of the first wave")
- Identity crisis, by Alina Mungiu-Pippidi ("Romania's reaction to
being sidelined from Europe calls into question what it means to be
- A Western perspective, by Anne Dastakian ("Trade unions fear the
export of jobs, and the import of cheap labor")
- Cartoons
- Culture: The Communist hit parade, by Miklos Vamos ("Best-selling CD
takes Hungarians on a musical history tour")
- Media profile: High-stakes gamble, by Jeremy Druker ("The demise of
Croatia's only serious newsmagazine might mean bigger ramifications
for media, and media assistance, in the region")
- Media Watch: Ukraine: A step backward; Yugoslavia: Counting the dead
- Books: Carl's coming of age, by Jens Stilhoff Sorensen ("Bildt's
Bosnian memoir, published as he gears up for Sweden's race for prime
minister, may help - or hinder - his political career")
- Reportage: Capital confusion, by Murat Buldekbaev ("Kazakstan tilts
north, the government tries to follow")
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