War Tribunal Witness's Home Bombed in Croatia
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>
To: minelres-arch@racoon.riga.lv
Date: Mon, 6 Apr 1998 10:15:11 +0300 (EET DST)
Message-Id: <35290D5C.20A41D15@mailbox.riga.lv>
Subject: War Tribunal Witness's Home Bombed in Croatia
From: MINELRES moderator <minelres@mailbox.riga.lv>
Original sender: Panayote Elias Dimitras <dimitras@ceu.hu>
War Tribunal Witness's Home Bombed in Croatia
Zagreb, March 24th, 1998
The Croatian Helsinki Committee protest concerning the blowing up of
Z.Bando's House
According to the information received by the CHC human rights
activists and confirmed by the representatives of the international
community, but not by the Croatian Ministry of the Interior, the lower
part of the house in Ribarica near Karlobag which belongs to Zdenko
Bando (one of the War Tribunal witnesses for Gospic) was completely
destroyed with dynamite. Zdenko Bando and a group of other potential
War Tribunal witnesses concerning the Gospic case were moved abroad to
prevent possible attempts at their lives.
The CHC sees this latest act of terrorism in Ribarica as a warning to
the Croatian government to take more seriously the threats to the
Hague witnesses' lives and procede in accordance with the
Constitutional law concerning the co-operation with the War Tribunal
in the Hague.
The CHC has filed an energetic protest with the Ministry of the
Interior, stating that the concealment of such acts of terrorism from
the public amounts to a tacit approval, whereby the Constitution and
Law of the Republic of Croatia are blatantly violated.
Milena Gogic
Greek Helsinki Monitor &
Minority Rights Group - Greece
P.O. Box 51393
GR-145190 Kifisia
Tel. +30-1-620.01.20
Fax +30-1-807.57.67
e-mail: office@greekhelsinki.gr
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