Recent Romnews materials

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 1998 14:09:18 +0200 (EET)
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Subject: Recent Romnews materials 

From: MINELRES moderator  <[email protected]>

Recent Romnews materials

Here are the headlines of the recent Romnews postings. The entire
texts can be accessed at the Romnews web site (see details in the
end of this message or use the link from the MINELRES Roma page).

Lisboa/ PORTUGAL ( RNN Partner Union Romani Espana ) February
the 17th 1998

Roma will have in the EXPO'98 its own place, where they will
wellcome all the people who are interested in the Roma world. A
meeting for the knowledge of Roma culture, through a great sort of
artistic events. Songs, dances, handcrafts, cinema, conferences and
exhibitions about Roma people will be present at Lisboa....

Roma in Poland seeks compensations from Germany
Warsaw / POLAND ( RNN Correspondent ) February the 28th 1998

About 2,000 Roma who were persecuted by the Nazis during World
War II will seek compensation from Germany, one leader of Poland's
Gypsies said Monday. Roman Kwiatkowski said he gave a list with
the first 137 names to the German ambassador in Warsaw. It was
unclear when the rest of the names would be presented...

Roma boy in coma after Skinhead brutal attack & Demonstration
in Lunik IX
Preschow / SLOVAKIA  ( RNN Correspondent ) February the20th

On their way home from school, three Roma children wre brutally
attacked and beaten up by a goup of Skinheads. An eleven-year old
boy had to be send to the surgical deaprtment of the Monbloch
hospital, where he is still in a coma due to his serious head injury...

Pisa / ITALY ( RNN Correspondent ) March the 3rd 1998

A poor Roma environment at 12 km, half way from the cities of Pisa
and Livorno, in the central italian province of Tuscany is on the point
to be evacuated. The population is composed by foreigner citiziens
from Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia...

Britain - Vatican - Nazi
London / GREAT BRITAIN ( RNN Correspondent ) March the 4th 1998

British lawmakers investigating Nazi looting of gold and other assets
said Monday they've received permission to study documents in the
Vatican's World War II archives. "We have taken the first firm steps
toward tracing the truth," said Lord Janner, a member of the House of
Lords, who has been a leader in the search for assets plundered by
the Nazis during the war. He said legislators hope to discover what
dealings the Vatican may have had with Nazi banks and whether
there's any truth to allegations that plundered Roma assets are still
in Vatican vaults...

Barcelona / SPAIN ( RNN Correspondent Sergio Rodriguez )
March the 5th 1998

The Ministery of Labour and Social Affairs will grant this year nearly
360 million pesetas (2,5 million dollars) coming from the 0,52% of
IRPF tax, assigned to social programs. For 1998 there will be a total
amount of 359.568.000 pesetas destined to the achievement of
programs related to Spanish Roma comunity, that include more than
500.000 people...

Sweden publishes names of WWII bank account owners
Sweden ( RNN / Romnet ) March the 9th 1998

Sweden released a list Wednesday of the holders of 649 bank
accounts untouched since World War II and containing about
$875,000, jewelry and other articles. Jewish representatives said some
of the unclaimed assets belonged to Jews murdered by Nazi Germany,
recalling a scandal that battered Swiss banks last year. The assets in
the listed accounts included the contents, mostly jewelry, of safe
deposit boxes. The list can be viewed on the Internet at

Prague / CZECH REP. (RNN / Romnet ) March the 9th 1998

The Czech Senate on 4 March approved a bill revoking legislation
adopted in the 1950s that bans a "nomadic way of life," CTK reported.
The Chamber of Deputies had voted to abolish the law last month.
Several senators said the law was "racist" and aimed primarily against
Roma. Also on 4 March, the leadership of the Romani Civic
Association called on all Czech citizens to "stop violence and mutual
provocations." CTK reported the same day that more than 800 people
have signed a petition urging Czech citizens not to be indifferent to
racism and xenophobia in the wake of rapidly escalating attacks by
skinheads on Roma. The petition was initiated by prominent Czech

Fund for Holocaust's victims has thusfar paid out 15 million Swiss
Bern / SWISS (RNN)  March the 11th 1998

The special fund set up in Switzerland for victims of the Holocaust
has within the first year of its existance donated 15 million francs in
aid. More than 20,000 people in Eastern Europe profited thereby,
according to a report by the fund's management on Thursday in Bern.
The World Jewish Restitution Organization (WJRO) distributes the
money in Hungary, Latvia and Albania. The national bank of
Switzerland, merchant banks and companies had paid out about
275 million francs for use. In the coming months about 120,000
francs is to be paid to members of various travelling communities,
Sinti and Roma among others. The WJRO has applied for a furhter
15 million froncs for  distribution in Eastern Europe and circa 45
million for the USA.

Czech ultra-right leader acquitted on hate charges
Prague / CZECH REP. ( RNN / Coresspondent )  March the 12th 1998

Czech ultra-right leader Miroslav Sladek was freed from jail on Friday
after spending 17 days in remand on charges of spreading national
hatred, his Republican Party (SPR-RSC) said. "He was not only
released but was also acquitted fully," party spokesman Jan Vik said.
Sladek, the leader of the SPR-RCS, won a handful of votes in a
parliamentary vote for the national presidency on Tuesday. He had
been ordered held in custody on an arrest warrant issued last month
after he repeatedly failed to appear in court over remarks he made at
a protest demonstration a year ago. He had been charged with
spreading national and racial hatred, after he was alleged in reports to
have shouted, among other things, that it was a "pity we killed only a
few Germans during the war (World War Two)" at the early 1997

Permanent fights against prejudices
Stolberg-Aachen / GERMANY (RNN) March the 13th 1998

The aunt of Merima Aliewska lives in Germany since 30 years. When
one asks her where she comes from, she answers: "Yugoslavia" but
she disclaims her affiliation. Se dares not saying "I belong to the
Roma". This is the consequence of actual discrimination experienced
by the Roma every day. "It is sometimes also a preventive measure",
says Joachim Rosenberg who is a member of the executive board of
the Roma Union Borderland. "if someone has experienced rejection
very often he finally tries to avoid it."...

Romnews  is published by the
Roma National Congress
on a non-commercial basis
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