ASN 2001 Preliminary Program on the Web

From: MINELRES moderator <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 07:08:34 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: ASN 2001 Preliminary Program on the Web
From: MINELRES moderator <>

Original sender: Dominique Arel <>

ASN 2001 Preliminary Program on the Web

6th Annual Convention of the
Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)
Columbia University, 5-7 April 2001
The full preliminary program of the ASN Sixth Annual World Convention,
the world's foremost gathering on nationalism and identity in the
former Communist world, is now available on the ASN web site: [Visitors to our web site must simply follow the
link from the homepage to ANNUAL CONVENTION, then 2001 Conference].
The Convention will feature 108 panels, spread over eleven sessions
from Thursday April 5, 1 PM, to Saturday April 7, in the evening. More
than 500 people will be on panels.
All post-Soviet areas will be covered in tremendous depth, with
sixteen panels on the Balkans, fifteen on Central Europe (including
the Baltics), fourteen on Central Asia (including Turkey, China, and
Mongolia), thirteen on the Russian Federation, eleven on Ukraine, six
on the South Caucasus, and two dozens on thematic and cross-regional
themes. Special roundtables will include "The Future of Peacekeeping
Operations," organized by David Laitin;  "Russia and the Western
Media," featuring Stephen F. Cohen; "The Gongadze Case and
Kuchmagate," Ukraine's ongoing political scandal; "The Second Chechen
War," on French reporter Anne Nivat's book Chienne de guerre; "The
Collapse of Yugoslavia," with Susan Woodward; and "Democracy and
National Identity," with Jack Snyder.
Eleven recent documentaries and feature films, exploring ethnonational
and identity issues in the post-Communist world, will also be shown at
the convention, including A TRIAL IN PRAGUE, on Czechoslovakia's
postwar Slansky Trial, by New York director Zuzana Justman, The full
list of films will be announced shortly. Each film will be followed by
Non-region specific panels at the convention will include:
Nationality and Language in the New Post-Soviet Censuses (two panels)
Borders and Security (two panels)
The Political Economy of Civil Wars
Liberalism and Nationalism
Secession in Comparative Perspective
Ethnic Cleansing in the Twentieth Century
International Migration and Nation-Building
NATO/EU Expansion
Resolving Self-Determination Conflicts Through Complex Power Sharing
The Challenge of Ethnic Conciliation
The convention is consolidating its status as the World Annual Event
on Nationalities Studies. As in the past, over one hundred and fifty
panelists will be travelling from overseas for the event (plus an
additional three dozens from Canada). Almost 40 percent of
paper-givers are international participants (and this does not include
the large amount of non-US born participants currently residing in the
United States).
A growing number of research institutions are sponsoring panels at the
convention. In addition to the Harriman Institute, which is hosting
the convention, and the Watson Institute (Brown U), which is
co-sponsoring, the list includes the European Center for Minority
Issues (Germany); the European Academy Bolzano (Italy); the European
Balkan Network (U of Bologna, Italy); the Council on Foreign
Relations; the Open Society Institute; the International Peace
Academy; the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs; the
Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy; Freedom
House, and the Shevchenko Scientific Society. The French Institute of
Political Studies, which is organizing the ASN co-sponsored conference
"Nationality and Citizenship in Post-Communist Europe" on 9-10 July
2001 in Paris, will also have a strong presence at the convention.
LOCATION. The convention will be taking place in the International
Affairs Building (IAB) of Columbia University, 420 W. 118th St. (metro
station: 116th St., on the Red Line). Registration will be on the 15th
Floor of IAB and the panels will be held on several floors.
REGISTRATION. $40 for ASN Members, $60 for Non-Members ($30 for
Non-Members residing in Eastern Europe at the time of the convention)
and $25 for Students. Preregistration payments are non-refundable
after 1 March 2001.
A registration form can be downloaded from the ASN web site
( or requested from Lara Nettelfield
( People who plan to attend the convention are
strongly encouraged to pre-register, since places are limited.
SCHEDULE. Registration will begin at 11 AM, Thursday April 5, on the
15th Floor of IAB. People who sent preregistered will need to pick up
their name tag and the convention program. On the Thursday, the panels
will run from 1 PM-7.30 PM. On Friday and Saturday, from 9 AM to 6.30
PM. The convention will end on the Saturday evening, April 7.
ACCOMMODATION. The convention does not have arrangements with a
particular hotel. A list of nearby hotels can be found on the ASN web
ASN MEMBERSHIP. People can now directly join a fast growing ASN on the
convention pre-registration form. In addition to getting a significant
discount at the ASN convention, ASN members receive annually four
issues of Nationalities Papers, the field's leading journal; four
issues of the Analysis of Current Events, containing up-to-the-minute
analyses of ongoing events; and two issues of ASNews, the
association's newsletter. An annual membership costs a remarkably low
$50 annually-$30 for students.
BONUS FOR ASN MEMBERS. ASN members have also the option of subscribing
to Europe-Asia Studies (formerly Soviet Studies), which publishes
eight issues a year, for $55, almost a hundred dollars less than the
regular subscription price. Convention panelists can take advantage of
this offer directly on the convention registration form.
BOOK EXHIBIT/SALE OF PAPERS. Publishers will exhibit their wares in
the exhibit room, located in the spacious Dag Hammarskjold Lounge on
the 6th floor. Convention papers will also go on sale for $1.50
apiece. At least 20 copies of each paper will go on sale in the book
exhibit on Friday, April 14, at 11.15 AM.
We look forward to seeing you at the convention!
For information on panels:
Dominique Arel
ASN Convention Program Chair
Watson Institute
Brown University, Box 1831
130 Hope St.
Providence, RI 02912
401 863 9296 tel
401 863 2192 fax
For information on exhibits and advertisements in the convention
Gordon Bardos
ASN Convention Director
Harriman Institute
Columbia University
1216 IAB
420 W. 118th St.
New York, NY 10027
212.854.8487 tel
212.666.3481 fax
MINELRES - a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern

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