Survey: Forced Migration Program

Reply-To: [email protected]
Sender: [email protected]
From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 05:32:56 +0200 (EET)
Message-Id: <[email protected]>
Subject: Survey: Forced Migration Program

From: MINELRES moderator <[email protected]>

Original sender: Jana Chrzová <[email protected]>

Survey: Forced Migration Program

Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached a survey questionnaire (English and Russian): the
survey is being conducted and lead by the Refugee Studies Centre
(RSC), Oxford, U.K.,  as part of the RSC newly launched Forced
Migration Portal project.
(More information can be requested from  Dr. Marilyn Deegan:
<[email protected]> )
Your comments/assistance would be most appreciated as it will help the
"portal people" to shape the portal  for the benefit of the end users
globally. The questionnaire, which is otherwise primarily sent to NGOs
in the region,  can either be answered in English or Russian.

The Russian version shall be then sent back to: Chrzova Jana
<[email protected]>
The English version may be sent directly to
<[email protected]>
This mailing is primarily meant to inform you about the new projects
that are currently under way, however we would also appreciate if you
could forward it to relevant NGOs in CEE region that might benefit
from the projects outcomes.
More details on the project and its partners can be found at:
Here you can also find brief information on the other project (Hybrid
Information Delivery for Academics  and Practitioners in the Field of
Forced Migration in Central and Eastern Europe), which is being
launched this year by the Czech Helsinki Committee, RSC, Kings College
and Human Rights Education Centre of Charles University:
Since within this project we also plan number of activities that might
be of interest to specific NGOs of CEE (digitization of documents,
training activities in Prague starting from year 2002) we would like
to keep you informed about any new developments in this regard.
Jana Chrzova

>From the moderator: Only English version of the questionnaire is


Forced Migration Portal Project, Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford

This is an informal survey designed to capture some basic information
about potential users of the forced migration web portal.  The portal
is a project to make it easier to access web-based information
resources.  A more extensive user study will be conducted in the
future, but this initial survey will help us to identify areas to
explore in greater detail.  

Please note that this is an anonymous survey.  While we include
personal background questions, we do not wish to collect names and
addresses of respondents.


1.Age:  20s _____ 30s _____ 40s _____ 50s _____ 60s+ _____

2.Sex:  male _____ female _____  

3.Nationality ______________________________________________

4.Occupation _________________________________________________

5.Country where employed/studying 

6.Organization type 

 government _____
 international organization _____
 non-governmental organization _____
 media _____
 private firm _______
 research institute/university _____
 other ____________________________________________________________

II.Research Interests 

This section focuses on your forced migration research interests and
the general resources you use to keep current in your field.

1. What particular aspects of forced migration do you focus on?

2. Which geographic areas are you most interested in?

3. Given the interdisciplinary nature of forced migration studies,
what disciplines do you specialize in?    

4. How do you keep up with research and/or developments in the forced
migration field (you can check more than one category)?    

- read journals/newsletters _____

- attend conferences __________

- talk to/e-mail colleagues _____

- read books _________

- other __________________________________________________________

5. Which journals/newsletters do you feel are most important for your
work?  (Please list the titles and, if known, publishers.)  

6. Which research tools (NOT including the Internet) do you feel are
most useful for your work?  (You can check more than one category. 
Please specify titles, if known.)

- journal indexes (e.g., Sociological Abstracts): _________________


- library collections (e.g., the Refugee Studies Centre library): 


- specialized databases (e.g., REFWORLD on CD-ROM): 


- other: __________________________________________________________



III. Using the Internet 

1.Are you familiar with the Internet and the services it makes
available?  Yes ___ No ___

1.Do you use the Internet?  

Yes _____        -------> GO TO 2a & 2b

No  _____       --------> GO TO 2c

2a. If yes, please indicate what you use the Internet for (you can
check more than one category) 

- e-mail _____
- look for information _____
- conduct research _____
- support teaching _____
- shopping _____
- other  ________________________________________________________

2b. If you use the Internet, where do you access it from (you can
check more than one category)?   

- Home  _____
- work  _____
- Internet cafés _____
- Libraries _____
- other ___________________________________________________________

2c. If you do not use the Internet, please indicate why not (you can
check more than one category) 

- I don't have access _____
- I don't find it useful/it's a waste of time _____
- I don't trust the information on the Internet ___
- I don't feel comfortable using computers ______

IV.Using the World Wide Web 

This section focuses more specifically on the World Wide Web and its
role as an information resource.  

1. Do you use the World Wide Web to locate information and/or conduct

Yes _____       --------> CONTINUE WITH QUESTIONS 2-5.

No _____        --------> JUMP TO SECTION V.

2. How many hours per week do you spend on the web?

3. Please provide one or more examples of the type of information you
seek online:

4a. Are there print equivalents to this information?  

Yes _____ No _____ Don't know _____

4b.  If yes, why do you prefer the electronic version? 

5. In general, is your overall opinion of information on the web
positive or negative?  Why?

6. Do you find web-based information to be high-quality? 
Authoritative?  Reliable?  Why or why not? 

7. How do you learn about new information resources on the web (e.g.,
I read articles that list web addresses, I subscribe to e-mail
discussion lists, etc.)?

8a. Do you ever use search engines like AltaVista or Yahoo! to locate
information on the web?  Yes _____  No _____

8b. If yes, are you generally satisfied with the performance of these
tools? Yes ___ No ___

9. What do you consider the web's strong points to be?  

10. What are the web's weak points? 

Please add any additional comments about the web, information online,
access to the Internet, or anything else you feel like sharing in the
section below:

V. Future Developments 

If you are interested in keeping track of developments relating to the
forced migration portal, please visit the portal project's information
pages at  

Thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire!

Contact: Elisa Mason, Information Officer, Forced Migration Portal
Project, Refugee Studies Centre, Queen Elizabeth House, University of
Oxford, 21 St. Giles, Oxford OX1 3LA, UK; e-mail:
[email protected]

Mgr. Jana Chrzova, vykonna reditelka, Cesky helsinsky vybor,
P.O. Box 4, Jeleni 5/199, 119 01 Praha 1
Jana Chrzova, Executive Director, Czech Helsinki Committee
P.O. Box 4, Jeleni 5/199, 119 01 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Tel.:  ++ 420-2-2437 2281
Fax : ++ 420-2-2437 2335
Internet: <>
E-mail: <[email protected]>

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