Romanian Mob Violence Case to Strasbourg

From: MINELRES moderator <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2001 21:41:39 +0200 (EET)
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Subject: Romanian Mob Violence Case to Strasbourg
From: MINELRES moderator <>

Original sender: European Roma Rights Center <>

Romanian Mob Violence Case to Strasbourg

ERRC Press Release: Victims of Romanian Mob Violence Appeal for
Justice to Strasbourg Court
The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC), acting on behalf of 21 Romani
victims of a 1993 community violence incident in Romania, has filed an
application with the European Court of Human Rights asserting numerous
violations of the European Convention on Human Rights. The applicants,
Romanian citizens of Romani ethnicity, are victims of mob violence
which resulted in the murder of three Romani men and in the
destruction of Romani houses, property and belongings in the village
of Hadareni, Mures County, Romania. Seven years later, the victims of
this horrific attack on the Romani community have yet to be provided
with comprehensive redress for the violations they suffered at the
hands of a mob that included members of the local police force. The
Hadareni pogrom received wide international attention and has come to
stand, for many, as the paradigmatic event of the post-1989 Roma
Rights world. Since opening offices in 1996, the ERRC has been
determined to pursue justice in the Hadareni case, and has expended
considerable effort pushing for a just settlement.
On September 20, 1993, Mr. Aurel Pardalian Lacatus, Mr. Rupa Lupian
Lacatus and Mr. Mircea Zoltan, three Romani men, were killed by a mob
in the village of Hadareni. The lynching occurred after an ethnic
Romanian had been stabbed to death by one of the Romani men during a
conflict that arose earlier that day. The men attempted to seek refuge
in a neighbor's house but were eventually found by the mob. The
villagers demanded they come out and then set fire to the house. Mr.
Aurel Pardalian Lacatus and Mr. Rupa Lucian Lacatus tried to escape
but were caught and beaten to death. Mr. Aurel Pardalian Lacatus died
as a result of 89 distinct wounds to his body, while Mr. Rupa Lucian
Lacatus died from shock caused by surface wounds covering almost 70%
of his body. Mr. Mircea Zoltan remained in the house where he died as
a result of the fire. After the murders, a mob of ethnic Romanian and
Hungarian villagers proceeded to set fire to other Romani homes and
property in Hadareni. In total, 14 Roma homes were scorched and
another five were demolished. Additional Romani property such as cars,
stables and other possessions were also destroyed that evening and the
following day. Further information on the case can be found at:
There is ample evidence to suggest that police officers present that
evening instigated the incident and then stood idly by and watched as
the three Romani men were killed by non-Romani villagers. Following
the deaths of the three men, the police did nothing to prevent the
villagers from setting out on a campaign of violence and destruction
of Romani houses and property in Hadareni. Indeed, various witnesses
have testified in Romanian courts before prosecutors and judges that
police officials arrived at the house where the three Romani men were
hiding that evening and actually urged the mob to set fire to the
house. Statements by victims reveal that police present that night
actually urged the crowd to set fire to other Romani houses in the
Of the eleven civilian defendants finally charged, only four were
convicted of murder; and the remaining seven of arson. In June 2000,
two of those convicted for murder were granted a presidential pardon,
and both were set free. Despite testimony in court provided by victims
and witnesses implicating police officials in the crimes committed
during the Hadareni pogrom, no police officer has ever been held
criminally responsible. Throughout the investigation and at all stages
of court proceedings in this case, the applicants repeatedly attempted
to raise the issue of police involvement, but the Romanian justice
system ignored their pleas.
Having exhausted all domestic remedies, the applicants are now turning
to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Their application
asserts, among other things, that Romanian authorities violated
Article 3 of the Convention by failing to investigate properly the
participation of all police officials implicated in the attacks. It
argues that the incident at issue, i.e. the death of the three Romani
men and the community violence to which the Romani community in
Hadareni was subjected, is sufficient to constitute the minimal level
of severity required by the case law pertaining to Article 3 and thus
amounts to "inhuman and/or degrading treatment". It further asserts
that the incident at issue discloses an unequivocal violation of their
rights to respect for their home, and their private and family lives,
as protected under Article 8, and that Romanian authorities have
failed to provide comprehensive redress for the destruction of their
homes and possessions.
TEL.: +36 1 4132200 -- FAX: +36 1 4132201
The European Roma Rights Center is an international public interest
law organisation which monitors the rights of Roma and provides legal
defence in cases of human rights abuse. For more information about the
European Roma Rights Center, visit the ERRC on the web at
European Roma Rights Center
1386 Budapest 62
P.O. Box 906/93

Telephone: (36 1) 4132200
Fax: (36 1) 4132201

The European Roma Rights Center is dependent upon the generosity of
individual donors for its continued existence. If you believe the ERRC
performs a service valuable to the public, please join in enabling its
future with a contribution. Gifts of all sizes are welcome; bank
transfers are preferred. Please send your contribution to:
European Roma Rights Center
Budapest Bank Rt.
1054 Budapest
Bathory utca 1

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