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The Slovak Republic

Act No. 255/1991 Coll.
of the Slovak National Council
on Slovak Radio

(The Act has beel adopted on 24 May 1991)

Amended with:
- Act No. 483/1992 Coll., effect from 26 October 1992
- Act No. 166/1993 Coll., effect from 30 July 1993
- Act No. 83/1995 Coll., effect from 27 April 1995
- Act No. 321/1996 Coll., effect from 19 November 1996
- Act No. 335/1998 Coll., effect from 9 November 1998


Establishment, status and role of Slovak Radio

Art. 1


2. Slovak Radio comprises the Bratislava Studio, the Banskα Bystrica Studio and the Košice Studio.

Art. 3


2. The news and current affairs programmes of Slovak Radio serve to provide early and unbiased information to the public and create space for dialog; artistic, educational and entertainment programmes serve to develope and disseminate national culture and education and to promote the spiritual and moral standards of the society.


Art. 5


2. Slovak Radio provides, by means of radio broadcasting in mother language, application of interests of minorities and ethnic groups living in the Slovak Republic.

Art. 6

Slovak Radio fulfills, in particular, the following tasks:
a) it produces its own radio programme,
b) it carries out transmissions and public records from political, cultural, religious, artistic, sports and other major events,
c) it cooperates with the state, political, religious, economic, research, cultural, educational, artistic and sports institutions and civic associations,
d) it contributes, by means of radio broadcasting, to promoting national culture and cultures of minorities living in the Slovak Republic, and to mediating cultural values of other nations,



Common, transition and final provisions


Art. 15

This Act takes effect as of 1 July 1991.
