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Government Resolution No.1047/1999 (V. 5.)1

on the Medium-term Package of Measures to Improve the Living Conditions and Social Position of the Roma Population

The Government, having reviewed Government Resolution No. 1093/1997 (VII. 29.) on the Medium-Term Package of Measures to Improve the Living Standards of the Roma Population, and in order to further develop it, passes the following Resolution:

  1. The Government has discussed and adopted a medium-term package of measures as described in the Supplement to improve the living conditions and social position of the Roma population.

  2. The Government calls upon the ministers and the executives of national bodies to include in their budgets for the coming years the sources to be used to implement the goals identified in the package of medium-term measures. Furthermore, there is a need to look at how PHARE and other development subsidies can be utilized to co-finance existing sources in implementing the medium-term package of measures.
    Responsible:the ministers involved
    Deadline:in accordance with budgetary planning,

  3. Members of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs (hereafter referred to as the Inter-Departmental Committee) will present a report to the Inter-Departmental Committee every year by 31st March on the previous year's pro-rata implementation of the tasks of the medium-term package of measures, and on the resources for carrying out the tasks in the year in question. The chair of the Inter-Departmental Committee - on the basis of the summaries provided by the members of the Inter-Departmental Committee - will present a report to the Government every year by 31st May on the previous year's implementation of the tasks of the medium-term package of measures, and on the budgetary resources for the tasks in the year in question. The members of the Inter-Departmental Committee, in harmony with the drafting of the Act on the budget, shall inform the Inter-Departmental Committee on the resource requirements for the tasks for the coming year, and where necessary shall initiate modifications to the mediumge of measures.

  4. In order to promote the integration of the Roma population in society and to improve their living conditions and social position, the Inter-Departmental Committee shall draft a comprehensive, professionally sound, long-term strategy of social and minority policy in collaboration with the Roma National Self-government. The Government shall appoint the Chair of the Inter-Departmental Committee to co-ordinate the efforts aimed at proposing a long-term strategy.
    Responsible:Chair of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs
    Deadline:presentation of material for debate to the Government: 30th June 2001

  5. This Resolution shall take effect on the date of its publication. At the same time Government Resolution No. 1125/1995 (XII. 12.) on the Most Urgent Tasks Related to the Position of the Roma Population, Government Resolution No. 1093/1997 (VII. 29.) on the Medium-term Package of Measures to Improve the Living Standards of the Roma population, and Government Resolution No. 1107/1997 (X. 11.) on the Measures Aimed at Improving the Situation of the Roma Ethnic Minority shall be repealed.

    to Government Resolution No. 1047/1999 (V. 5.)

    Medium-term Package of Measures to Improve the Living Conditions and Social Position of the Roma Population

    1. Education

    1.1. It is necessary to investigate and work out means that can be used - beyond the current regulatory system - to encourage the regular attendance of socially disadvantaged children of pre-school and school-age at pre-schools, and to decrease school absenteeism.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the implementation of the objective for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of Education
    Minister of the Interior
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    1.2. In order to provide efficient secondary education for disadvantaged Roma students it is necessary to expand the capacity of Roma student hostels and improve their quality, in particular in towns and county seats which have several secondary school institutions. Furthermore it is necessary to complete the two planned hostels and, based on the demands of the Roma minority, the conditions have to be created for the establishment of school centres connected to these hostels. In order to encourage this, during the drafting of the budget act proposals have to be submitted whereby in tender opportunities priority is given to supporting those maintainers who establish or develop institutions with the above aims in mind. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the implementation of the objective for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of Education
    Minister of the Interior
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    1.3. In order to support particularly Roma youngsters and young adults dropping out of the education system to obtain qualifications and employment, complex programmes shall be developed and institutionally introduced. During the development of these educational and employment programmes, the experiences of foreign institutions as well as the PHARE programmes of the former Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Culture and Public Education shall be used. The programmes shall encourage successful completion of primary school.

    Responsible:Minister of Education
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December

    1.4. In order to promote the secondary and higher educational studies of socially disadvantaged young Roma with scholarships bound to good academic achievement, and in the interest of passing entrance examinations into higher education institutions, the participation of young Roma in university preparatory courses shall be supported through tenders. To ensure the success of the tender systems, the cooperation of state, non-profit organizations and public foundations publishing these tenders shall be assured, with particular attention to the scholarship tenders bound to good academic achievements both as regards secondary school students and university and college students. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the implementation of the objective for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of Education
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December

    1.5. To ensure the effectiveness of programmes in progress in other fields, the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs shall be informed about the following tasks, independently fulfilled by the Minister of Education:

    1.5.1. On the basis of Act LXXIX of 1993 on Public Education and the amendments of the related legal provisions, according to Decree No. 32/1997 (XI. 5.) MKM on the Issuance of the Guidelines for the Pre-School Instruction and School Education of National and Ethnic Minorities:

    a)   improvement of the content of Roma minority education,
    b)   development of framework curricula,
    c)   establishment of the conditions for evaluating education and ensuring its quality,
    d)   ensuring educational materials and methodological appliances necessary for education,
    e)   depending on reconciliation with the Roma National Self-government, development of the requirements necessary for the teaching of the Romany languages.

    1.5.2.  Development of the institutions maintained by self-governments, foundations etc. playing a significant role in Roma minority education. Provision of professional and financial support for their work.

    1.5.3.  Propagation of the already proven local programmes for the professional support of Roma minority pre-school and school education, the provision of opportunities necessary for the adoption of proven programmes. Invitation for tenders to explore successful programmes, and the establishment of a database for their professional revision.

    1.5.4.  Tenders shall be published for young people who have taken their final examination at secondary school and who want to continue studying, giving them the opportunity to participate in university or college preparatory courses.

    1.5.5.  In order to restrict the number of Roma students dropping out of secondary school education, and to promote opportunities for further studies for talented young people, national hostel talent-promotion programmes must be publicized to young Roma studying in secondary school.

    1.5.6.  The pursuit of Roma studies shall be encouraged by primarily supporting the work of already functioning departments or departmental groups in higher education teachers' training colleges, through the publication of tenders.

    1.5.7.  Further training courses organised for teachers participating in Roma minority education shall be supported through tenders.

    1.5.8.  Research related to Roma minority education shall be supported through tenders.

    1.5.9.  Examinations must be made to determine whether - within the educational system - students belonging to the Roma minority suffer discriminatory education organizational practices, and if so the reasons for such discriminatory practises must be exposed. Where necessary, proposals must be made to correct the relevant legislation, and to prevent and eliminate deficient jurisdiction.

    1.5.10. Supported by central budgetary resources, the Ministry of Education shall complete the Gandhi Grammar School by the end of 2002.

    Responsible: Minister of Education
    Deadline: continuous
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December
    concerning point 1.5.10.: 31st December 2002

    1.6. Special preparatory courses have to be organized and launched providing methodological support for the drafting of tenders published in the areas of youth, sports, prevention of drug abuse, and sport for disabled youth for young Roma organizations.

    Responsible:Minister of Youth and Sport
    Deadline: continuous, annually depending on the publication of tenders

    2. Culture

    2.1. The system of cultural institutions relating to the cultural activities and the group organization of the Roma, and the system of specialised institutions serving the preservation of cultural values shall be developed. Regarding the development of the institutional network, detailed draft programmes (comprehensive professional programmes, feasibility studies, with detailed financing schedules) shall be worked out with the cooperation of the National Roma Information and Cultural Centre.

    Responsible:Minister of the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage
    drafting of the annual programme: annually 31st December

    2.2. In accordance with actual demand, the availability of educational and cultural services, books, methodological appliances and schoolbooks for the Roma also in their mother tongue shall be promoted. It is necessary to assess the financial resources available to support the mother tongue culture and the forms in which they can be further improved. A report on the fulfilment of tasks must be given to the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs.

    Responsible:Minister of the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage
    Minister of Education
    Deadline:completion of the assessment: 30th April 2002
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December

    2.3. The work of specialists who work with and for Roma communities in different settlements of the country shall be supported with training and further training courses. Regarding the implementation of the training courses, schedules shall be prepared annually.

    In the interest of the improvement of the institutional system, the development of such comprehensive professional programmes shall be promoted, with the cooperation of the National Roma Information and Cultural Centre, which aim to encourage the increasingly widespread use by the local population of the services of institutions and community houses serving the communal tasks of the Roma.

    Responsible:Minister of the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage
    Minister of Education
    Minister of the Interior
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    training schedules to be prepared by: annually 31st May
    comprehensive professional programme to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    2.4. Attention must be given to ensure, within the approved and authorized framework, the annual budget of the National Roma Information and Cultural Centre, based on agreement with the institution.

    Responsible:Minister of the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage
    Deadline:continuous, depending on the act on the budget

    3. Employment, agriculture, regional policy

    3.1. Measures promoting employment

    3.1.1. It is necessary to conclude or extend such agreements on technical cooperation between the County Labour Centres or their sub-offices, and the Roma minority self-governments and organizations that are best suited to solve the employment problems of the Roma (e.g. which set guidelines for information, work organization, education, the prevention and elimination of negative discrimination in the field of employment). Within this frame, opportunities for employing specialists belonging to the Roma minority in labour centres shall also be examined. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall draw up an annual analysis and report on the content of the agreements, the forms of cooperation and the programmes implemented, with input from the labour centres affected, for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.1.2. An annual methodological information booklet shall be prepared for the settlement and the Roma minority self-governments and organizations. The annual booklet shall summarise the useful organizational and methodological experiences of already successfully functioning employment programmes (e.g. small and medium-size enterprises, public works and public utility works, agricultural and social land programmes, regional development programmes and other programmes aiming at cutting long-term unemployment etc.), and shall present the forms of support which may provide assistance for organising and running new programmes.

    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    methodological information booklet to be prepared by: annually 30th June

    3.1.3. The implementation of the central employment and training programmes introduced to improve the labour market situation of the long-term unemployed shall be evaluated annually - with the involvement of the Roma minority self-governments, organizations and settlement self-governments at both regional and national level.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare a written report for the Inter-Departmental Committee on the evaluation and the programmes proposed for promoting a resolution to the employment difficulties faced by the Roma.

    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    Minister of the Interior
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.1.4. Within the frames of the Employment Act, positive discrimination shall be applied for the benefit of the socially disadvantaged - including the Roma -, primarily by way of additional support granted within the system of active employment policy means. An evaluation shall be prepared on the forms and means of support applied, the efficiency and effectiveness of their application, and the opportunities to make improvements.

    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.1.5. The support system for career-starter young unemployed people (e.g. alternative labour market services, transit employment and training programmes etc.) shall be operated in a way whereby special emphasis is placed on helping the employment and developing the entrepreneurial skills of the socially disadvantaged, including the Roma.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare a report on the participation of those concerned in the programmes implemented within the framework of the support system, on their opportunities to enter and to stay on the legal labour market. The report shall be prepared annually and submitted to the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.1.6. With the intention of increasing the employment opportunities of the long-term unemployed, public utility work programmes shall be continued in accordance with the regional development programmes and with the involvement of the settlement and the Roma self-governments. In the regions particularly affected by unemployment, continuous analyses and evaluations shall be conducted, to assess the extent to which public utility work programmes contribute to the improvement of the employment situation of the long-term unemployed and socially disadvantaged social strata, including the Roma. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the experiences of the evaluation for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Minister of the Interior
    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.1.7. Regarding the replacement and/or infrastructural development of slums and slum-like neighbourhoods and residential areas, targeted public work programmes shall be announced, ensuring priority to settlement self-governments which undertake the implementation of the programmes by adding their own financial means and in cooperation with the local Roma communities.

    Responsible:Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Deadline:publication of the programmes: annually 31st May
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December

    3.1.8. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual analysis and report for the Inter-Departmental Committee about the programmes aiming at the employment and the return of the disadvantaged - including the Roma - inhabitants to the labour market, run with the support of the National Public Foundation for Employment, as well as about the training courses and counselling services that develop entrepreneurial skills and the results of returning people to the labour market.

    Responsible:Minister of Economic Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.1.9. The programmes and training courses announced by the Regional Labour Force Development and Training Centres for socially disadvantaged, long-term unemployed people, including the Roma, shall be expanded - in case of demand, also by ensuring primary education for adults. A key task of the Regional Labour Force Development and Training Centres is to ensure a wider participation in the training of the cumulatively disadvantaged residents of small settlements, who are particularly affected by unemployment. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report for the Inter-Departmental Committee, with the contribution of the Regional Labour Force Development and Training Centres, about the results and development opportunities of the programmes and training courses that have been implemented.

    Responsible:Minister of Education
    Minister of Economic Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.2. Agricultural programmes

    3.2.1. With the purpose of promoting the livelihood of socially disadvantaged families, including the Roma, the social land programme shall be continued, expanded and extended, with the collaboration of settlement self-governments, Roma minority self-governments and organizations as well as the Public Foundation for Roma living in Hungary.

    On the basis of the efficiency survey covering several counties and on the experiences of the expanded and functioning social land programmes, a report and a development proposal shall be worked out yearly.

    Responsible:Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.2.2. The experimental model social land programmes started in small regions on the proposal of the Roma National Self-government shall be continued. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the experience of the programmes and the change in the living conditions of the affected families, to be presented to the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs.

    Responsible:Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.2.3. With the intention of stimulating participants in social land programmes to become farmers, primary producers and entrepreneurs, training and technical counselling services shall be provided, involving the village agronomic organizations functioning within the competence of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare for the Inter-Departmental Committee an annual report on the use of the training and technical counselling services as well as on the experiences of the programmes already launched.

    Responsible:Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.2.4. On the basis of a survey regarding the opportunities to transfer cultivable lands remaining in state ownership to the social land fund, further opportunities for ensuring land acreage shall be examined with the purpose of expanding the social land programme. The legal environment necessary for this shall be worked out.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Chief Minister of the Prime Minister's Office
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Deadline:31st December 2001

    3.3. Regional development

    3.3.1. With the involvement of the County Regional Development Councils and the County Labour Centres, regional support systems shall be developed, which can be used to start complex development programmes aiming at the improvement of the employment conditions of socially disadvantaged classes including the Roma.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.3.2. In settlements where cumulatively disadvantaged classes, including members of the Roma minority, represent a considerable proportion within the population, separate support shall be ensured, as a central task, from the regional development central target provision for the implementation of the regional development programmes, by supplementing the part of the contribution of regional, county and local crisis management programmes.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December

    3.3.3. Informative forums, training courses, and technical counselling services shall be organised - with the cooperation of the rural development training system and the involvement of the County Regional Development Councils and the County Labour Centres in the affected regions, as well as the Roma National Self-government, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Minister of Social and Family Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior and the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities - for those competent in settlement self-governments, the leaders and representatives of the Roma minority self-governments and organizations, in order that a larger proportion of disadvantaged Roma take part in local and regional development programmes.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the experiences of the training programmes and services for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    Minister of the Interior
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Deadline:report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.3.4. Programmes already being supported by the County Regional Development Councils shall be analysed and evaluated in order to assess how much they mitigate long-term unemployment, to what extent and with what efficiency they reach those settlements where the members of the Roma minority communities living in conditions below the average represent a considerable proportion within the residents. The experiences of the evaluation shall be taken into consideration when formulating the tender objectives for the next year.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    Minister of Social and Family Affairs
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    3.3.5. The County Regional Development Councils shall be requested to amend their organizational and operational regulations in order to allow professional representatives of the Roma communities a presence - with consultative rights - at sessions of the bodies. The minister, after consultation with the Roma National Self-government, shall propose the professionally qualified representatives of Roma origin.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Deadline:30th June 2001

    4. Social, public health and housing programmes

    4.1. In the interest of the improvement of the health of the Roma population, with the purpose of eliminating the practices bringing about negative discrimination which occur during the use of medical services, a research programme shall be launched exploring the indicators of the health of the Roma population, and the relationship between the institutions providing medical services and the residents affected.

    Based on the study, a technical programme shall be developed in connection with the health policy strategy.

    Responsible:Minister of Health
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Deadline:deadline of completion of research programme: 31st December 2001
    deadline of completion of technical programme: 31st March 2002

    4.2. The efficiency of the various preventative screening and welfare services -important also from the aspect of national health - shall be improved. The scope of professionally justified health services - underpinned by data from surveys on the state of health of the population - shall be expanded. In order to eliminate those factors which threaten the environment and the health of the inhabitants of slums and slum-like neighbourhoods and residential areas, technical measures shall be initiated with the involvement of the communities concerned, the settlement self-governments and the minority self-governments.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare for the Inter-Departmental Committee an annual report in writing on the implementation of the measures aimed at the improvement of health conditions, and the results of these measures.

    Responsible:Minister of Health
    Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Minister of Environmental Protection
    Minister of the Interior
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st May and 31st December

    4.3. On the basis of the completed report and in the interest of preventing and restricting the re-emergence of slums and slum-like neighbourhoods, an action programme to replace these slum-like neighbourhoods or develop (establish) their basic infrastructure shall be drafted in order to guarantee the measures required to achieve these goals, and the necessary financing. The action programme will require medium-term implementation, and its realization will demand the input of all those concerned.

    Responsible:Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
    Minister of the Interior
    Minister of Health
    Minister of Economic Affairs
    Minister of Transport, Communication and Water Management
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Deadline:deadline of completion of technical programme: 30th June 2001

    4.4. Youth and drug prevention programmes

    4.4.1. Organizations grouping and representing the interests of primarily young Roma shall be subject to a comprehensive sociological examination.

    Responsible:Minister of Youth and Sport
    Deadline:30th September 2001

    4.4.2. On the basis of the results of the report, a several-year-long youth research programme assessing the situation of young Roma living in Hungary shall be prepared.

    Responsible:Minister of Youth and Sport
    Deadline:30th November 2001

    4.4.3. On the basis of the results of the sociological research, a tendering support system has to be developed which takes into account the particular features of young Roma and their organizations.

    Responsible:Minister of Youth and Sport
    Deadline:31st December 2001

    4.4.4. A research programme examining the sociological interrelations between the Roma and drug use shall be organized and conducted.

    Responsible:Minister of Youth and Sport
    Deadline:30th November 2001

    4.4.5. Social workers of Roma origin must be given training in drug dependency, and the operation of service providers working in this area shall be supported and given professional assistance.

    Responsible:Minister of Youth and Sport
    Deadline:30th November 2001

    5. Programmes against discrimination

    5.1. According to Section 45 of Act XI of 1987 on Legislation, the practical enforcement of the acts detailing the prohibition of negative discrimination shall be constantly monitored. Members of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the experience of this monitoring and place it before the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Based on the results of the inquiry, the necessary amendments to legislation shall be made. It is necessary to establish that future legislation in the different regulatory spheres guarantees and promotes the enforcement of discrimination-free practices.

    Responsible:responsible ministers
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    5.2. The legality of police behaviour in connection with members of the Roma minority shall be continuously monitored. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs shall prepare an annual report on these experiences and action plans concerning the solutions.

    Responsible:Minister of the Interior
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    5.3. In graduate and post-graduate training in the law enforcement bodies - in the interest of a discrimination-free, humane service supply - social historical, cultural, sociological etc. subjects related to the Roma shall be taught on the level of practical use.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs shall prepare an annual report on the experiences and the opportunities for improving training, and shall present it to the Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs.

    Responsible:Minister of the Interior
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    5.4. The teaching of techniques aiming at the management and prevention of conflicts arising from prejudice shall be continued in the education and training provided for the law enforcement bodies at middle and senior officer levels, with the involvement of foreign and national organizations specialised in conflict management.

    The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the experiences and the opportunities for improving training, and shall present it to the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Minister of the Interior
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    5.5. With the intention of improving the opportunities of the Roma to enforce their interests as well as preventing and eliminating negative discrimination, the activities of the legal aid organizations, institutions and those engaged in conflict prevention and management shall be supported. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare an annual report on the implementation of the objective for the Inter-Departmental Committee.

    Responsible:Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    6. Communication work regarding the Roma

    6.1. The harmonization of the activities of foundations, public foundations and institutions that support the Roma minority's media shall be initiated with the purpose of continuous cooperation and the effective use of resources. The responsible member of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall prepare for the Inter-Departmental Committee an annual analysis and report on the mass media programmes functioning on the basis of the various forms of support.

    Responsible:Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Political State Secretary responsible for public administration and regional policy affairs in the Prime Minister's Office
    Minister of the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage
    Minister of Education
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    6.2. With the aim of shaping a true picture of the Roma in majority society, a strategic plan shall be worked out with the cooperation of the Roma National Self-government and after hearing the opinions of media experts.

    Responsible:Minister of the Ministry of National Cultural Heritage
    Minister of Education
    Political State Secretary responsible for communications in the Prime Minister's Office
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Deadline:31st December 2001

    6.3. With the aim of informing foreign public opinion, informative documents shall be prepared in foreign languages, to be forwarded to international information and decision-making organizations.

    Responsible:Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Political State Secretary responsible for communications in the Prime Minister's Office
    Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Deadline:31st December 2001

    6.4. A communication plan shall be developed regarding the implementation of the medium-term package of measures to improve the living conditions and social position of the Roma.

    Responsible:Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    Political State Secretary responsible for communications in the Prime Minister's Office
    Minister of Foreign Affairs
    communication plan to be prepared by: annually 31st December

    6.5. In the interest of promoting communication and cooperation between the Roma population and the different institutional systems, and in order that an appropriate understanding can be gained of existing rights in the sphere of minority education, training sessions and conferences shall be organized for representatives of the Roma minority self-governments and organizations, with input from the Roma National Self-government.

    Responsible:Chair of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities
    report to be prepared by: annually 31st December

1 - Integrated text containing modifications in Government Resolution No. 1073/2001 (VII. 13.).

Source: Office for National and Ethnic Minorities in Hungary