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Government Resolution No. 1048/1999. (V. 5.)

on the Establishment of an Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs

  1. The Government establishes an Inter-Departmental Committee on Roma Affairs (hereinafter referred to as: Inter-Departmental Committee) with the purpose of co-ordinating the implementation of the package of medium-term measures aiming at the promotion of the social integration of the Roma and the improvement of their living conditions and social situation, in the interest of harmonising these activities of the ministries and the organs with nation-wide competence.

  2. The composition of the Inter-Departmental Committee is as follows:
  3. President:

    Minister of Justice.

    Vice president:

    President of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities.

    Permanent members:

    Designated deputy secretaries of state from the following ministries:

    Ministry of the Interior

    Ministry of Health,

    Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,

    Ministry of Justice,

    Ministry of Youth and Sport,

    Ministry of the National Cultural Heritage,

    Ministry of Education,

    Ministry of Finance

    Ministry of Social and Family Affairs,

    Political secretary responsible for public administration and regional development in the Prime Minister's Office, as well as the President of the Roma (Gypsy) National Self-Government.

    Occasional members:

    Designated deputy secretaries of state from the following ministries:

    Ministry of Economy,

    Ministry of Defence,

    Ministry of Transport, Communication and Water Management,

    Ministry for Environment

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    The Head of the Office of the Minister without portfolio responsible for PHARE programmes, and the Presidents of the Boards of the Public Foundation for the Roma living in Hungary and the Gandhi Public Foundation.

    Permanent guest:

    The Parliamentary Commissioner of national and ethnic minority rights.

  4. Upon invitation, the following may participate in the sessions of the Inter-Departmental Committee with voice but no vote: representatives of the authorities with nation-wide competence, presidents of the county assemblies, representatives of the Roma minority's social organisations, and experts.

  5. The Inter-Departmental Committee shall meet in session at least four times a year at the level of the deputy secretaries of state. It operates according to the defined rules of procedure and work schedule. The secretarial duties of the Inter-Departmental Committee shall be fulfilled by the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities.

  6. The Inter-Departmental Committee may establish subcommittees for the fulfilment of certain duties, in which it may involve external specialists as well.

  7. This Decree takes effect on the day of its announcement, simultaneously the Government Resolution on the Establishment of the Co-ordinating Council of Gypsy Affairs No. 1120/1995 (XII. 7.) shall expire.

Orbán Viktor signature,

Prime Minister

Source: Website of the Office for National and Ethnic Minorities in Hungary