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Law for the Bulgarians Living Outside of the Republic of Bulgaria

Promulgated: State Gazette, No.30 from 11 April 2000


Article 2

A Bulgarian living outside of the Republic of Bulgaria, according to this law is a person who:

1. has at least one ascendant of a Bulgarian origin;
2. has a Bulgarian national consciousness
3. resides permanently or constantly on the territory of another state.


Article 4

Bulgarian state encourages the creation of favourable conditions for the free development of the Bulgarians living outside the Republic of Bulgaria, according to the principles of international law and the legislation of the respective state with the aim of protection of their rights and lawful interests.

Bulgarian state supports the organization of Bulgarians outside the Republic of Bulgaria, whose activities are directed at the conservation and development of the Bulgarian language, cultural and religious tradition.

Article 5

Bulgarians living outside of the borders of the Republic of Bulgaria shall be protected from the Bulgarian state, which, in accordance with the principles of international law and international treaties, protects their rights and lawful interests.

Council of Ministers requires from the respective ministries and chiefs of agencies to execute the state policy with respect to the Bulgarians living outside of the Republic of Bulgaria, determines the structures which are built with a view of its execution and the mechanisms of coordination of their activities.

To the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Bulgaria in the countries, in which there are Bulgarian communities or Bulgarian national minorities, consultative bodies of Bulgarians, living in the respective state can be created, composed of representatives elected by persons under Article 2.


Source: Unofficial translation