Seminar “Discrimination: new trends in European legal framework”
Riga, 8 March 2001. Organized by the Riga Graduate School of Law.
Riga, 8 March 2001. Organized by the Riga Graduate School of Law.
Riga, 24 November 2000. Organized by The Baltic Forum.
Budapest, 19 July 2000. Organized by Open Society Institute.
Jurmala, 12-13 June 2000. Organized by the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
Strasbourg, 19-20 May 2000. Organized by the Council of Europe Directorate General of Human Rights and UNHCR.
List of participants
Riga, 9-11 March 2000. Organized by The British Council.
Riga, 2-3 December 1999. Organized by the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.
Рига, 26-27 октября 1999. Организаторы: Центр иудаики ЛУ, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev и др.
Riga, 1-3 October 1999. Organized by the State Legislative Leaders Foundation.
Rīga, 28.09.1999. Organizēja: Eiropas Padomes informācijas un dokumentacijas centrs, Kultūras ministrija un LU Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūts.