The Schengen Convention: what is the situation regarding the new Member States?

Seminar Public on the Schengen Convention. Development of the Schengen Information System (SIS II) and Data Protection: What Strategy for the Future? Brussels, 6 October 2003. Organized by EP Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population.

Modern nation-state and European standards of minority rights

UniDem Seminar “State consolidation and national identity”. Chisinau, 4-5 July 2003. Organized by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (the Venice Commission).
About the seminar
List of participants

Права меньшинств: кто носитель этих прав?

Семинар “Меньшинства и большинство в Эстонии: проблемы интеграции в веропейксом контексте”. Таллин, 15-16.11.2002. Организатор: Центр информации по правам человека.

Ethnic and multicultural policies: Public administration in a multicultural environment

LGI Annual Conference for national foundations, Dubrovnik, 3-5 July 2001. Organized by OSI Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative.

Recognition of minorities: international standards

Workshop “Recognition of minorities in Southeast Europe”. Athens, 30-31 March 2001. Organized by Minority Rights Group International and Minority Rights Group Greece.

Anti-racism and minority rights: conflicting or complementary approaches?

Roundtable discussion on minority rights in the EU accession states. Budapest, 22 February 2001. Organized by EU Accession Monitoring Program, OSI.
List of participants

Представительство и участие как механизмы обеспечения идентичности

Семинар “Индивидуальные и коллективные права национальных меньшинств в контексте глобализации”. Петербург, 6-7.10.2000. Организатор: “Гражданский контроль”.

Значение интеграции общества во внешней и внутренней политике Латвии

Международная конференция “Латвия и Россия в единой Европе 21 века”. Юрмала, 5-6.06.2000. Организатор: Балтийский Форум.

A view of a parliamentarian on the role of minority issues in the process towards European integration

Multilateral seminar “The protection and participation of national minorities as a condition for successful European integration”. Predeal, 12-13 May 2000. Organized by the Secretariat of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and Department for the Protection of National Minorities of the Government of Romania.