Jerusalem, 6-10 January 2002. Organized by: The Israeli Forum and The Knesset. 15:06:132019-09-05 09:50:346th International conference of Jewish ministers and members of parliament 15:05:332019-09-05 09:48:52Seminārs "Mediji Latvijā - integrēti vai sašķelti?" 15:05:162019-09-05 09:44:24OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension meeting on "Human rights: advocacy and defenders" 15:04:572019-09-05 09:44:09Expert group meeting: minority protection in Latvia 15:04:392019-09-05 09:43:54Roundtable "The problem of ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia" 15:04:182019-09-05 09:43:40SID Special hearing on the future of asylum and migration 15:03:412019-09-05 09:37:44First World Congress against the death penalty 15:03:222019-09-05 09:37:11Conference "On the way to civil society"
6th International conference of Jewish ministers and members of parliament
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsJerusalem, 6-10 January 2002. Organized by: The Israeli Forum and The Knesset.
Международная конференция “Социальные науки, расистский дискурс и дискриминационные практики”
/in Дискуссии /by infoСанкт-Петербург, 1-2 декабря 2001. Организатор: Центр независимых социальных исследований.
Seminārs “Mediji Latvijā – integrēti vai sašķelti?”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRīga, 23.11.2001. Organizēja Latvijas Cilvektiesību un etnisko studiju centrs.
Nevalstisko organizāciju forums 2001
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsRīga, 26.10.2001. Organizēja Nevalstisko organizāciju centrs.
OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension meeting on “Human rights: advocacy and defenders”
/in Дискуссии /by infoVienna, 22-23 October 2001. Organized by ODIHR.
Expert group meeting: minority protection in Latvia
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 19 October 2001. Organized by EU Accession Monitoring Program, OSI.
Roundtable “The problem of ratification of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities in Latvia”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 18 September 2001. Organized by the Council of Europe Information Bureau in Latvia.
SID Special hearing on the future of asylum and migration
/in Дискуссии /by infoThe Hague, 14-15 September 2001. Organized by The Hague Process on Refugees and Migration.
First World Congress against the death penalty
/in Дискуссии /by infoStrasbourg, 21-23 June 2001. Organized by the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty.
Conference “On the way to civil society”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 28-29 May 2001. Organized by the Naturalization Board.