15:18:482019-09-05 10:09:33Roundtable on "Non-citizens and minority rights" within the framework of 19th meeting of the Sub-Commission on the Protection of Minorities of the Venice Commission 15:18:322019-09-05 10:09:20International conference "The Large Europe of the 21st century: common challenges? Common values?" 15:18:162019-09-05 10:09:06Public presentation on the use of racist, antisemitic and xenophobic arguments in political discourse 15:17:552019-09-05 10:08:51Seminar "Best practices in covering the problems of national minorities in media" 15:17:002019-09-06 09:18:24Discusija "Varda brīvības robežas: Goda un cieņas aizskāršana, naida kurināšana" 15:16:412019-09-05 10:08:05Expert meeting on Developing strategies to promote the use of minority languages in the broadcast media 15:15:322019-09-05 10:06:20Worshop "Between integration and resettlement: the Meskhetian Turks" 15:15:122019-09-05 10:05:23International conference "The Baltics and Russia in Greater Europe of the XXI century"
Roundtable on “Non-citizens and minority rights” within the framework of 19th meeting of the Sub-Commission on the Protection of Minorities of the Venice Commission
/in Дискуссии /by infoVenice, 9 June 2005. Organized by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).
International conference “The Large Europe of the 21st century: common challenges? Common values?”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 27-28 May 2005. Organized by The Baltic Forum.
Public presentation on the use of racist, antisemitic and xenophobic arguments in political discourse
/in Дискуссии /by infoParis, 21 March 2005. Organized by the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
Seminar “Best practices in covering the problems of national minorities in media”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 8 March 2005. Organized by NGO “Journalists Initiative” and Society Integration Foundation.
Diskusija “Valodas lietojums Latvijas elektroniskajos medijos: likumdošana un prakse”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRīga, 12.11.2004. Organizēja Sabiedriskās politikas centrs “Providus”.
Discusija “Varda brīvības robežas: Goda un cieņas aizskāršana, naida kurināšana”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRīga, 21.10.2004. Organizēja Sabiedriskās politikas centrs “Providus”.
Expert meeting on Developing strategies to promote the use of minority languages in the broadcast media
/in Дискуссии /by infoThe Hague, 14-15 October 2004. Organized by the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities.
List of participants
5th Public Policy Forum: Integration and minority education reform
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 6 September 2004. Organized by the Centre for Public Policy “Provuds”.
Worshop “Between integration and resettlement: the Meskhetian Turks”
/in Дискуссии /by infoFlensburg, 3-4 September 2004. Organized by the European Centre for Minority Issues.
International conference “The Baltics and Russia in Greater Europe of the XXI century”
/in Дискуссии /by infoJurmala, 28-29 May 2004. Organized by The Baltic Forum.