15:23:542019-09-05 10:13:56Roundtable on "Non-citizens and minority rights" 15:22:392019-09-05 10:13:41International conference "Europe in the mirror of globalization: problems, challenges and perspectives" 15:22:012019-09-05 10:13:26Conference "The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: a useful pan-European instrument?"
Brasov, 7 March 2006. Organized by the Romanian chairmanship of the Council of Europe. Programme List of participants 15:20:562019-09-05 10:13:10International conference "Participation of national minorities in public life: the role of consultative bodies" 15:19:352019-09-05 10:10:15Seminar on European Anti-discrimination legislation and policies 14:00:112019-09-16 11:46:28Conference of Jewish ministers and parliamentarians 15:19:212019-09-05 10:10:01Conference "Interaction between international law and foreign politics: Latvia's interests in the light of international mechanisms" 15:19:062019-09-05 10:09:50Roundtable on the activities of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) and the planned expansion of the EUMC's mandate
International conference “Holocaust: memory and learning”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 4-5 July 2006. Organized by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and American Jewish Committee.
Roundtable on “Non-citizens and minority rights”
/in Дискуссии /by infoGeneva, 16 June 2006. Organized by the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).
List of participants
Roundtable report
International conference “Europe in the mirror of globalization: problems, challenges and perspectives”
/in Дискуссии /by infoJurmala, 26-27 May 2006. Organized by The Baltic Forum.
Conference “The Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: a useful pan-European instrument?”
/in Дискуссии /by infoBrussels, 5 May 2006. Organized by the Institutes for Constitutional Law and for Human Rights of the Catholic University of Leuven and the Academy of European Law.
International conference “Participation of national minorities in public life: the role of consultative bodies”
/in Дискуссии /by infoBrasov, 7 March 2006. Organized by the Romanian chairmanship of the Council of Europe.
List of participants
Seminārs “Pulcēšanas brīvība Latvijā”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRīga, 28.02.2006. Organizēja Valsts cilvēktiesību birojs.
Seminar on European Anti-discrimination legislation and policies
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 13 February 2006. Organized by TAIEX.
Conference of Jewish ministers and parliamentarians
/in Дискуссии /by borisscilevicsJerusalem, 7-10 January 2006. Organized by: International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians.
Conference “Interaction between international law and foreign politics: Latvia’s interests in the light of international mechanisms”
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 22 October 2005. Organized by the Commission of Strategic Analysis of the President of the Republic of Latvia, the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Riga Graduate School of Law.
Roundtable on the activities of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC) and the planned expansion of the EUMC’s mandate
/in Дискуссии /by infoRiga, 16 August 2005. Organized by the Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies.