Boriss Cilevics: “It’s a pity that Spain hasn’t withdrawn the European Arrest Warrants against Catalan politicians”
VilaWEb, 30.06.2022
VilaWEb, 30.06.2022
El, 21.06.2022
Delfi, 29.05.2022
Youtube-канал “И грянул Грэм”, 28.05.2022, 27.05.2022 – с 11:50
Voice of America (in Turkish), 21.05.2022
Avrupa Konseyi Parlamenterler Meclisi (AKPM) İzleme Komitesi Raportörleri Boriss Cilevicss ve John Howell, Osman Kavala’nın hapsedilmesinde “delil yokluğu” durumunu vurgulayarak Türkiye’de, “yargı bağımsızlığı” olup olmadığı meselesine Türk yargısınca gelecekte atılacak adımlarla yanıt verileceğini bildirdi…
Deutsche welle, 21.05.2022
Boriss Cilevics, Turkey rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, said that they are hopeful that the legal system in Turkey will find a suitable solution to comply with the ECtHR’s Osman Kavala decision…
Duvar, 21.05.2022
Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) rapporteurs have warned about a possible expulsion of Turkey from the Strasbourg-based body over the country’s refusal to release philantrophist Osman Kavala, saying that such a scenario “would be a disaster for everyone.” Meanwhile, the rapporteurs’ demand to see Kavala in jail was turned down by the Turkish Justice Ministry…
Council of Europe Press, 20.05.2022
Delfi TV, 9.05.2022