Семь лет спустя: Проблемы и перспективы интеграции общества Латвии
Г.Витковская (ред.). Проблемы становления институтов гражданства в постсоветских государствах. Москва: Московский Центр Карнеги, 1998, стр.115-137.
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Г.Витковская (ред.). Проблемы становления институтов гражданства в постсоветских государствах. Москва: Московский Центр Карнеги, 1998, стр.115-137.
M.Opalski (ed). Managing Diversity in Plural Societies: Minorities, Migration and Nation-Building in Post-Communits Europe. Ottawa: Forum Eastern Europe, 1998, pp.33-50.
Lars Nyholm (ed). OSCE: A Need for Cooperation. Towards the OSCE’s Common and Comprehensive Security Model for Europe for the Twenty-First Century. Copenhagen: Danish UN Association, 1997, pp.86-98.
East European Politics and Societies, 1997, vol.11, No.2, pp.366-391.
Refugees and Migration in Central and Eastern Europe. Montreal: Canadian Human Rights Foundation, 1997, pp.21-25.
Москва: Институт этнологии и антропологии РАН, 1997, 124 с.
Zemes reforma Latvijas pilsētās. Zemes Reformas Vēstnesis. Rīga: ES-PHARE Latvia, 1997, pp.61-62.
Conference “Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities: Taking Stock after 20 Years”. Frankfurt, 13-14 March 2018. Organized by European Centre for Minority Issues and Goethe University Frankfurt. Programme
Roundtable “Fostering Intercultural Dialogue in Ukraine”. Kiev, 12 February 2018. Organized by European Centre for Minority Issues. Programme
Second Regional seminar on the role of national parliaments in implementing the standards of the European Convention on Human Rights. Budapest, 12-13 June 2017. Organized by PACE. Programme